Word2Vec is a popular model family used in datascience. To be meaningful, it requires a model of millions of words. Loading those models in a normal laptop can take a hit on ram usage.
Why not providing a word2vec implementation trained on the GoogleNews-vectors-negative300 dataset as a service ?
Just hit the /word2vec?word=something
of this service ad you will get your word vector
sudo docker compose up -d --build
sudo docker compose up
sudo docker compose stop <id of container>
You can send GET requests to http://localhost:/word2vec?word=something and you will get the array of the word you selected.
You can also send POST requests to http://localhost:/words2vec
For example:
import requests
import requests, json
vec_l = None
r = requests.post('http://triads-dl.dbmi.pitt.edu:18000/words2vec', json={'words':words})
if r.status_code == 200:
print('Vectors retrieved. Loading...')
vec_l = json.loads(r.text)
except KeyError:
print(f'ERROR - could not retrieve vectors - status code: {r.status_code}')
word2Ind = {}
M = []
i = 0
for w in words:
if i == len(vec_l["data"]):
word2Ind[w] = i
i += 1