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Getting Started (Beginner Friendly)

amritpurshotam edited this page Mar 29, 2021 · 1 revision
  1. Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
  • Git: Windows, Mac. (Linux users should install using their system's package manager)
  • Docker: Windows, Mac, Linux (ensure you have the latest version!)
  1. Ensure that docker is running on your machine by running docker run hello-world

  2. Clone (copy to your local machine) the repository using the command: git clone

  3. Navigate to the Baobab folder (cd Baobab)

  4. Build the containers using docker-compose build - this will build the front-end, back-end and database together. It will take a fair bit of time the first time you do it, subsequently it will be much faster. If you get any errors, check the troubleshooting section below. If you get any other errors at this step, please get in touch!

  5. Launch the containers using docker-compose up - you should see messages like "Starting baobab_webapp_1 ... done". You can then navigate to the application in your browser at http://localhost:8080. The back-end API can be found at http://localhost:5000 (note, you won't see anything if you navigate to localhost:5000 in your browser)

  6. The first time you run the app, you may need to run the migrations to ensure that all the tables are created in the database. While the app is running (after following the previous step), run the following in another terminal/command prompt: docker-compose run web python ./api/ db upgrade --directory api/migrations

  7. Read the respective docs for backend and frontend. |

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