SpecImmune: A Tool for Accurate Typing of Diverse Immune-Related Gene Families from Long-Read Sequencing Data
SpecImmune is a bioinformatics software tool designed to accurately type five key immune-related gene families—HLA, KIR, IG, TCR, and CYP—from long-read sequencing data. These genes are critical for human immune functions and drug metabolism, but their genetic complexity makes them difficult to decode using traditional short-read sequencing methods. SpecImmune leverages the advantages of long-read sequencing technologies, such as Nanopore and PacBio, to provide highly accurate genotyping of these gene families.
Accurate Typing of Immune-Related Genes
SpecImmune can type HLA, KIR, IG, TCR, and CYP genes with high accuracy by categorizing long reads to specific loci and selecting the best-matching alleles from a reference database. -
Broad Compatibility
It supports whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and targeted amplicon sequencing data from various long-read sequencing platforms like ONT and PacBio. -
Superior Performance
SpecImmune outperforms existing tools such as SpecHLA, HLA*LA, and Pangu in typing accuracy, particularly for HLA and CYP2D6 genes. It is also the only tool capable of typing KIR and germline IG/TCR from long-read data. -
Consensus Sequence Reconstruction
It bins reads to alleles and reconstructs consensus sequences, ensuring high-quality haplotype sequences for each typed gene. -
Visualization of Results
SpecImmune provides visual reports in an IGV-like report, allowing users to observe novel variants and the confidence of typing results, making it easier to interpret and validate findings. -
Efficient and User-Friendly
SpecImmune is computationally efficient, making it suitable for use on personal computers, enabling convenient use in clinical settings.
First, create the env with conda or mamba, and activate the env.
Use conda
git clone [email protected]:deepomicslab/SpecImmune.git
cd SpecImmune/
conda env create -n SpecImmune -f environment.yml
conda activate SpecImmune
For faster installation and environment management, we recommend using mamba.
mamba env create -n SpecImmune -f environment.yml
mamba activate SpecImmune
Second, make the software in bin/ executable.
chmod +x -R bin/*
Use Docker
cd docker/
and see detailed instructions there.
Third, build the allele database. You can build a database for all gene families, or just the ones you need. For HLA, KIR, and IG/TCR:
python scripts/make_db.py -o ./db -i HLA
python scripts/make_db.py -o ./db -i KIR
python scripts/make_db.py -o ./db -i IG_TR
For CYP, download the complete pharmvar database at Pharmvar, unzip it, merge the alleles of all CYP loci into a single fasta
file, and afford the path to the fasta
file to SpecImmune:
find pharmvar-* -type f -name "*.fasta" -exec cat {} + > CYP.all.fasta ## replace it with your local pharmvar file
python scripts/make_db.py -o ./db -i CYP --CYP_fa CYP.all.fasta
While running, denote the path of db/
to SpecImmune by the parameter --db
For IG/TCR and CYP typing, the no-alt hg38 reference is needed, this can be downloaded at no_alt_hg38. You can also generate it by yourself.
Perform SpecImmune with
python3 scripts/main.py -h
Please go to the test/
folder, run SpecImmune with given scripts, and check results.
- SpecImmune now supports Linux and Windows WSL systems.
- For short-read data, pls use SpecHLA.
Scripts | Description |
scripts/ExtractReads.sh | Extract gene-region-related reads from enrichment-free data. |
scripts/make_db.py | Construct the dependent database. |
scripts/main.py | Typing with Nanopore or PacBio data. |
evaluation/* | Scripts for evaluating the performance and real-data analyses. |
simulation/* | Generate simulated data. |
First extract gene reads with enrichment-free data. Otherwise, Typing would be slow. Map reads onto the hg38
(Chromosome name should be like chr1, chr2...), then use ExtracReads.sh
to extract reads by
Usage: ExtractReads.sh -s <sample_id> -i <input_bam_or_cram> -g <gene_class> -o <output_directory> [-r <reference>]
-s Sample ID or gene ID (required)
-i Input BAM or CRAM file mapped to hg38 (required)
-g Gene class, one of: HLA, KIR, CYP, IG_TR (required)
-o Output directory (required)
-r Reference file (required if input is CRAM)
Perform four-field HLA typing by
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py \
-r <fastq> \
-j <threads> \
-i HLA \
-n <sample_id> \
-o <outdir> \
--db SpecImmune/db \
-y <datatype>
Example cmd:
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py -n $sample -o $outdir -j 15 -y pacbio -i HLA -r $fq --db ../db/
Perform full-resolution HLA typing with long-read RNA data
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py \
-r <fastq> \
-j <threads> \
-i HLA \
-n <sample_id> \
-o <outdir> \
--db SpecImmune/db \
--seq_tech rna \
--RNA_type traditional
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py \
-r <fastq> \
-j <threads> \
-i KIR \
-n <sample_id> \
-o <outdir> \
--db SpecImmune/db \
-y <datatype>
Example cmd:
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py -n $sample -o $outdir -j 10 -y pacbio -i KIR -r $fq --hete_p 0.2
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py \
-r <fastq> \
-j <threads> \
-i CYP \
-n <sample_id> \
-o <outdir> \
--hg38 <no_alt_ref> \
--db SpecImmune/db \
-y <datatype>
Example cmd:
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py --hg38 $ref -n $sample -o $outdir -j 10 -y nanopore -i CYP -r $fq --align_method_1 minimap2
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py \
-r <fastq> \
-j <threads> \
-i IG_TCR \
-n <sample_id> \
-o <outdir> \
--db SpecImmune/db \
-y <datatype> \
--hg38 <no_alt_ref>
Example cmd:
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py --hg38 $ref -n $sample -o $outdir -j 10 -y pacbio -i IG_TR -r $fq
SpecImmune uses longshot as the default tool for small variant calling. To switch to deepvariant, ensure you have set up the Singularity environment as described below.
Add the following options to the command for any module:
--snv_tool deepvariant
--dv_sif <path_to_deepvariant_sif>
To use deepvariant for small variant calling, install Singularity and SquashFS tools:
conda install -c conda-forge singularity
conda install -c conda-forge squashfs-tools
Follow the official DeepVariant instructions to download the desired version of the DeepVariant Singularity image. For example:
# Set the version of DeepVariant
# Pull the DeepVariant Singularity image
singularity pull docker://google/deepvariant:"${BIN_VERSION}"
This will create a Singularity image file named deepvariant_${BIN_VERSION}.sif.
python3 SpecImmune/scripts/main.py \
-r <fastq> \
-j <threads> \
-i HLA \
-n <name> \
-o <outdir> \
--align_method_1 minimap2 \
-y <datatype> \
--db <db> \
--snv_tool deepvariant \
--dv_sif ../deepvariant_${BIN_VERSION}.sif
Full arguments can be seen in
usage: python3 main.py -h
Typing with only long-read data.
Required arguments:
-r Long-read fastq file. PacBio or Nanopore. (default: None)
-n Sample ID (default: None)
-o The output folder to store the typing results. (default: ./output)
-i HLA,KIR,CYP,IG_TR (default: HLA)
Optional arguments:
-j Number of threads. (default: 5)
-k The mean depth in a window lower than this value will be masked by N, set 0 to avoid masking (default: 5)
-y Read type, [nanopore|pacbio|pacbio-hifi]. (default: pacbio)
--db Database folder, which can be obtained by scripts/make_db.py (default: /data4/wangxuedong/test_specimmune/SpecImmune/scripts/../db/)
--hg38 No-alt hg38 Referece fasta file, used by IG_TR and CYP typing (default: None)
-f, --first_run Set False for rerun (default: True)
--min_identity Minimum alignment identity to assign a read to an allele. (default: 0.85)
--hete_p Minor haplotype frequency lower than this value is regarded as homology in best-matched allele pair selection. (default: 0.3)
Maintain this number of alleles for best-matched allele pair selection. (default: 200)
--min_read_num Min support read number for each locus. (default: 2)
--max_read_num Max support read number for each locus. (default: 500)
-rt, --RNA_type traditional,2D,Direct,SIRV (default: traditional)
--seq_tech Amplicon sequencing or WGS sequencing [wgs|amplicon]. (default: wgs)
--align_method_1 Alignment method in read binning, bwa or minimap2 (default: bwa)
--align_method_2 Alignment method in typing, bwa or minimap2 (default: minimap2)
--iteration Iteration count, this tool iteratively reconstruct haplotype. (default: 1)
--dv_sif DeepVariant sif file (default: None)
--snv_tool longshot or deepvariant (default: longshot)
Drug recommendation (default: False)
-v, --version Display the version of the program (default: False)
-h, --help
In the denoted outdir, the results of each sample are saved in a folder named as the sample ID.
In the directory of one specific sample, you will find the below files:
Output | Description |
sample_id.GENE.final.type.result.formatted.txt | GENE-typing results for all alleles |
sample_id.pdf | Visualization report of the sample |
Sequences/*fasta | Reconstructed allele sequences (the low-depth region is masked by N) |
Genes_step2/*phased.vcf.gz | Phased vcf file for each gene |
Reads/* | Locus-specific binned reads |
sample_id.GENE.type.result.txt | Best-matched allele pair from the database |
Genes/* | alignment summary of binned reads mapped to the database |
If you performed RNA-Seq typing, GENE-typing result file is formated as follow:
Output | Description |
sample_id.GENE.final.rna.type.result.txt | Typing results for RNA-Seq reads |
sample_id.GENE.final.rna.type.result.g.txt | Typing results at G group resolution for RNA-Seq reads |
- An example for
(HLA/KIR) is as below:
# version: IPD-IMGT/HLA 3.56.0
Locus Chromosome Genotype Match_info Reads_num Step1_type One_guess
HLA-A 1 HLA-A*02:151 HLA-A*02:151|3516|1.0 25 HLA-A*02:151 HLA-A*02:151
HLA-A 2 HLA-A*03:01:01:01 HLA-A*03:01:01:01|3516|1.0 HLA-A*03:01:01:01 HLA-A*03:01:01:01
HLA-U 1 HLA-U*01:04 HLA-U*01:04|730|1.0 27 HLA-U*01:04 HLA-U*01:04
HLA-U 2 HLA-U*01:03 HLA-U*01:03|732|1.0 27 HLA-U*01:03 HLA-U*01:03
HLA-DMA 1 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:04 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:04|5013|1.0 37 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:04 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:04
HLA-DMA 2 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:02 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:02|5013|1.0 37 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:02 HLA-DMA*01:01:01:02
HLA-J 1 HLA-J*01:01:01:05 HLA-J*01:01:01:05|3544|1.0 51 HLA-J*01:01:01:05 HLA-J*01:01:01:05
HLA-J 2 HLA-J*01:01:01:04 HLA-J*01:01:01:04|3544|1.0 51 HLA-J*01:01:01:04 HLA-J*01:01:01:04
Interpret each column in the annotation line as
Column | Description |
1st | gene name |
2nd | 1 for haplotype 1, 2 for haplotype 2 |
3rd | typing result, may contain ambiguity |
4th | Matched alleles with their length and align ratio, separate by | |
5th | Support reads count on the locus |
6th | Best-matched allele in the database |
7th | One guess allele result, to handle ambiguity |
- An example for
(CYP) is as below:
# version: N/A
# CYP2D6 Diplotype: *101/*4
# CYP2D6 Phenotype: poor_metabolizer
# CYP2D6 Activity_score: 0.0
# CYP2D6 Detailed_diplotype *101.001/*4.013
Locus Chromosome Genotype Match_info Reads_num Step1_type One_guess
CYP2A6 1 CYP2A6*15.002 CYP2A6*15.002|13902|0.999425 38 CYP2A6*15.002 CYP2A6*15.002
CYP2A6 2 CYP2A6*54.001 CYP2A6*54.001|13482|0.974203 38 CYP2A6*54.001 CYP2A6*54.001
NAT2 1 NAT2*7.002 NAT2*7.002|16952|0.999057 25 NAT2*7.002;NAT2*4;NAT2*4.001;NAT2*14;NAT2*14.001 NAT2*7.002
NAT2 2 NAT2*4.005 NAT2*4.005|16962|0.999646 25 NAT2*4.005;NAT2*7.002;NAT2*7.003 NAT2*4.005
Top lines with #
start are the inferred diplotype and phenotype for CYP2D6. Below lines are the typing results of other CYP loci, with format same as the above file.
- An example for
(IG,TCR) is as below:
gene depth phase_set allele_1 score_1 length_1 hap_1 allele_2 score_2 length_2 hap_2 hg38_chrom hg38_len variant_num hete_variant_num
TRAV1-1 35.98 20983386 TRAV1-1*01 100.0 275 hap1 TRAV1-1*02 100.0 269 hap2 chr14 729 3 2
TRAV1-2 29.74 NA TRAV1-2*01 100.0 267 hap1 TRAV1-2*01 100.0 267 hap2 chr14 689 1 0
TRAV2 31.39 NA TRAV2*01 100.0 263 hap1 TRAV2*01 100.0 263 hap2 chr14 522 0 0
TRAV3 22.87 NA TRAV3*01 100.0 286 hap1 TRAV3*01 100.0 286 hap2 chr14 608 1 1
TRAV4 36.98 20983386 TRAV4*01 100.0 277 hap1 TRAV4*01 100.0 277 hap2 chr14 830 1 1
Interpret each column in the annotation line as
Column | Description |
gene | gene locus name |
depth | average sequencing depth at this locus |
phase_set | phase block ID of this locus, NA if this locus is homozygous |
allele_1/2 | first/second typed allele |
score_1/2 | alignment identity between the typed allele and the personlized haplotype |
length_1/2 | alignment length between the typed allele and the personlized haplotype |
hap_1/2 | locate on the first/second personlized haplotype |
hg38_chrom | which chromosome the locus locate on the hg38 reference |
hg38_len | length of this locus on the hg38 reference |
variant_num | Number of variants detected on this locus |
hete_variant_num | Number of heterozygous variants detected on this locus |
SpecImmune recommends drugs based on HLA typing or CYP typing results using annotations from PharmGKB. It helps clinicians select effective medications with fewer side effects by leveraging PharmGKB's clinical and variant annotation scoring system. You can obtain the recommendations by adding --drug_recommendation
in your typing command.
The software generates drug recommendations with the following information:
Field | Description |
Drug | The name of the recommended drug. |
Level of Evidence | The evidence level supporting the clinical recommendation, as defined by PharmGKB's scoring system. |
Evidence Score | The numeric score representing the strength of the evidence. |
Level Modifiers | Additional information modifying the level of evidence (e.g., population-specific data). |
For more detailed descriptions and scoring ranges, visit PharmGKB Clinical Annotations
SpecImmune requires conda 4.12.0+
, cmake 3.16.3+
, and GCC 9.4.0+
for environment construction and software installation.
- Python 3.8.15 or above
SpecImmune enables automatic installation of these third party packages using conda
or mamba
Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us via opening an issue or sending an email, we will reply as soon as possible ([email protected]).