A simple app that retrieves all of the US representatives (State and Federal) for a given address, so that they can be easily contacted by their constituents.
Currently hosted here, please be nice.
There are a limited number of existing services that do this, but they often lack local or federal officials.
Those that do tend not to have a UX focused on communicating with those representatives, and to not have similar future goals.
(incidentally, if we are mistaken in this please drop us a line this is hardly the time to be duplicating work)
- A nice clean UX focused on communication with representatives
- Include data on other offices where possible
- City council members
- Elected judges
- Elected sheriff/law enforcement officials
- City mayors
- Offices/locations for each representative
Happily accepting pull requests for any of the above features, and happy to look at feature requests in issues.
Currently using chalice to push up the basic API as an AWS Lambda microservice. Frontend is likely going to be a dumb script for a static site hosted on S3.