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See more Knowledgebase exported from Denny: #denny-knowledgebase
- Only show pople more information, after you’re interested. Otherwise you’re spamming people.
- You come here to learn, instead of teaching or selling.
- Real and deep conversations starts from private messages
- Avoid talking nonsense or common sense: waste times for both sides
- Always remember: Lots of experienced professionals are inactive in social media
- Offer free help by starting private conversations
- Grow everything in an oragnic way.
- Reach out people and offer helps
- Fake won’t work. You have to be real and serious.
- Talk just like face-to-face
- Short sentence win
- No matter you post or comment, make sure it add values to your audience
- Boostbluffing < Talk < Listen < Learn
- Treat every audience as a respectful professional
- Start with a real story from yourself: it’s ok to make fun of yourself, as long as it’s real
- Start with an easy and open question: either useful or funny
- Explain your question in a simple and easy-to-understand way: People are careless and biasd
- As long as people want to say something, and easy to chimp in mind
- Avoid getting people distracted from your original topic
- Ask the Right questions in a suitable question
- Add a recap after 3 days: summarize the discussions
- Speak out people’s name, and speak with due respect!
- Add comments, instead of likes: It helps to promote yourself
- Add discussion summary, @people selectively
- Send private messages, if you notice some inspiring comments
- Send connection invitation for who likes/comments my Linkedin updates for this week
- Send out private messages to close friends regularly
- Every moning take 5 minutes: Check Selective Friends LinkedIn Updates
- For discussion, @people for friends who might be interested
- For close tech friends, write them LinkedIn recommendations
- Periodically endorse and give recommendations for your new close friends
- Get feedbacks for technical details
- Get the direction or trends for the tech community
- Ask people to take small actions, which will only take seconds
- People may post updates with their problems (@ you or won’t @ you)
- People may comment your update with their problems
- search LinkedIn technical questions, send private messages, and build connections
- Start conversation broadly, then start private conversation for more deep insight and under hood feedback
Route your active friends/fans into your slack group.
- Introduce slack group
This is a typical DevOps question. We have an active Slack group. #devops-101 channel might be helpful for your question. Would you like to join?
BTW, we have an active Slack group. Slack brings people closer. I like it very much. Would you like to join? Feel free to skip, if you're too busy for us
- Why I choose slack over LinkedIn
Sure thing. If you're in slack, send me a private message. Slack brings people closer. Thus we can help each other more effectively. Cheers!
- Send link
Here is the link: Please drop a message in #say-hi channel. Thus people can know you better, and help you in a better way.
XXX, maybe you can check this LinkedIn discussion? Add comments, if you need more advice. We also have a slack group with #slack-101 channel. Join us if you're interested:
XXX, nice talking with you in LinkedIn. Looking forward to more DevOps discussions with you in the coming weeks!
XXX, sure thing. Nice to have the DevOps discussion with you in LInkedIn. Looking forward to more in the coming weeks! I do see lots of things in common with you.
XXX Looks like stack overflow is a better place for this kind of questions. F.Y.I I usually use LinkedIn to ask for experience and directions. Instead of tech details. For specific issues, we usually can fix with enough reading and testing sooner or later. Hope you can conquer your puzzles soon?
XXX Hi Denny, trying to remember how we know each other ... maybe you can remind me? # --8<-------------------------- separator ------------------------>8-- Hi XXX I noticed we're working in DevOps field with lots of common skills. It would be nice, if we can have in-depth technical discussions on the internet. So I reach out to be connected with you, XXX.
Sorry I really out of bandwidth to support this. You are on your own now. Good luck.
- Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger. Amazon purchase Link.
- Be connected with Active publisher in Linkedin Groups
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