This repository includes software to quantitatively test the relation between the weak lensing shear bias and the modeling error of PSF higher order moments (beyond second).
It is based on the following papers:
- Impact of Point Spread Function Higher Moments Error on Weak Gravitational Lensing; Zhang and Mandelbaum for LSST (2021), MNRAS - ADS entry
- Impact of Point Spread Function Higher Moments Error on Weak Gravitational Lensing II: A Comprehensive Study; Zhang et al. (2022), MNRAS ADS entry
- A General Framework for Removing Point Spread Function Additive Systematics in Cosmological Weak Lensing Analysis; Zhang et al. (2022), submitted ADS entry
This code has functionality to do the following tasks:
- change PSF second and higher moments through shapelet decomposition
- conduct shear measurement for galaxy 90-deg rotated pairs, for the true and model PSF
- measure the higher moments of the PSF
- measure the two point correlation functions of the PSF moments residuals
- carry out a Fisher forecast for the unbiased and biased data vector (see
- Utilize a PSF higher moments catalog and galaxy shape catalog to estimate the PSF systematics model parameters
Standardized installation is not available at the moment. Please do
git clone
In a python 3 environment, you can then install the package by
pip install ./PSFHOME
Notice that this process will not install metacalibration, to use metacalibration, you need to install version 1.3.8
of ngmix
Class objects and helper functions can be found in the folder "./psfhome"
defines a class to do single galaxy simulations to compute the shear response to any PSF higher
defines a class that carries out single galaxy simulation for the GREAT3 galaxy
defines a class to carry out single galaxy simulations to compute the shear response to radial
defines a class to measure shear for simulated images using metacalibration with ngmix, but it is not presented in the
defines a class that allows the user to change the PSF higher moments as they wish, using shapelet decomposition. This class also contains the function for measuring higher moments, calledget_all_moments()
defines a class that helps fitting the galaxy-PSF correlation function with PSF-PSF correlation functions, by running an MCMC. It save the posterior of the PSF parameters, which are provided to the cosmic shear analysis
Data are analyzed in the notebooks in the folder "./notebooks"
is a notebook that computes the additive bias on the DC2 cosmic shear 2PCF.CorrGRF
is a notebook for generating Gaussian random fields for the DC2 galaxies.HSC_higher_moments_analysis
is a notebook for analysis of the HSC PSF higher moments and their residualsHSC_moment_measure_pdr1
is a notebook for measuring the PSF higher moments of the HSC stars and PSFs.Single-simulation
is a notebook for conducting single galaxy simulationsbpd_simulation
is a notebook to compute the additive shear response for a grid of bulge-disk galaxy parameters, which is then used to compute the shear response for the CosmoDC2 galaxies.fisher_forecast
is a notebook that conducts a Fisher forecast to predict the cosmological parameters biases induced by the PSF higher moments if their impact on shear is not modeled.
shows how to to compute the galaxy-PSF correlation function, PSF-PSF correlation function, and use MCMC to infer the posterior of the PSF parameters. Users can use the argument in the class to turn on/off PSF higher moments parameters, constant shear, PSF-PSF correlation noise, and whether to consider higher moment g-p in the chi2. Also, relevant plots can be made in this notebook.
Figure can be found in the "./plots"
is a notebook that reproduces all plots in the second paper. Users are welcomed to play with it. (The necessary data are stored in ./plots/pickle)
Please contact Tianqing Zhang (tianqinz "at", if you need help using the code.
Please use the issues on this repository to suggest changes, request support, or otherwise contact the developer.
The code has been publicly released; it is available under the terms of our LICENSE.
If you make use of the software, please cite papers listed at the top of this README, and provide a link to this code repository.