Instructs bots to close issues which do not include sufficient information to be reproduced.
Something isn't working as expected
Issues related to the automation pipeline: testing, updates, etc.
Issues pertaining to the usage of Docker Compose
Pull requests that update a dependency file
General discussion threads, suggestions for improvements, etc.
Issues pertaining to the usage of Docker
Issues with or potential improvements to the project's documentation
An identical issue was previously reported
Issues pertaining to the Elasticsearch component
Proposals or submissions of improvements to the project
Requests for new features, such as additional configurations or extensions
Issues pertaining to the Fleet extension
Support from voluntary contributors appreciated
Complementary information required from the author
Issues closed due to author not providing requested information for reproducing the problem.
Issues pertaining to the Kibana component
Issues pertaining to the Logstash component
Situation specific to macOS
Issues pertaining to Search Guard
Situation specific to Microsoft Windows
Workaround to a problem that can't be immediately addressed