Releases: diegobernardes/flare
This is the first release 🎉.
36934ea all: major refactor
5797475 aws: add support for setup queue before run
2dcdf04 bootstrap: initial commit
6d1c632 ci: add Docker image to run Flare
6ebe026 ci: add docker socket on coveralls make task
5de13f2 ci: add more linters
5aae0f7 ci: added Travis-CI and fixed linter issues
03a05f5 ci: added coveralls trigger
e867a33 ci: bump go version to 1.10.0
67447ae ci: color output on tests
7d3862f ci: disable email notification
4e614f0 ci: fix cover make rule
031e23d ci: fix coveralls coverage
b33ef38 ci: missing branch on coveralls
7b90d04 ci: missing coveralls token
74d48c2 ci: remove cover options from test
063e1ae ci: trigger coveralls on travis only at master branch
7cd6528 config: change vscode-go docs tool to default
9b0328a config: set the default http.default-limit value
cc1aeea core: add build information
4a7e325 core: convert makefile space to tabs
162cfb5 core: convert makefile space to tabs
63a280f core: convert makefile tabs to space
966370e core: fix on task execution status return
7164627 core: fix wrong example and add video sample
f827c7a core: fix wrong tab on makefile
4fb657b core: makefile variables marked as optional
b004fb7 core: remove make and add plain shell script for tasks
7633ca6 core: return to makefile
35986d5 core: test refactor
9b4fcc0 core: update dependencies
3ebd22f devops: improved make commands
bf9035c doc: add contributing guide
8969e42 doc: add some endpoint examples
b5b6f96 doc: added coveralls badge
ff3d024 doc: added documentation on project
a836112 doc: added godoc
bd05455 doc: fix missing license
bba3c49 doc: fix readme
d1cbca5 doc: fix runnig instructions
a3601be doc: fix wrong link on readme
643ef7a doc: improve server config documentation
9ab8760 doc: update readme
3544c5d doc: update readme
1eaf58b doc: update readme
651a70b doc: update readme
37c9b67 doc: update the readme
5e39fea docker: add ci image
56103b1 document: add document async processing
c36b861 document: add response writer
cb824fc document: add tests
cec2a51 document: added document endpoint
d9d1e57 document: change id to url.URL
2568a43 document: check if the document has a fragment
1032c2c document: delete unused worker struct
e712cee document: keep all document revisions
bc78a08 document: major refactor
c2d4ef6 document: missing some triggers
7c3356e document: protect the update endpoint from accepting query strings
b0dc09a document: refactor and performance improvement
e00fe4a document: refactor mongodb
3ac796c document: test refactor
acc7cd7 document: test worker marshal message
d60f8bd domain/document: add fallback during resource fetch
28c1ca8 domain/document: skip document update if there is no subscription
bc75840 domain/resource: add more endpoint validations
46e256d domain/subscription: set the default content values to true
11edcd4 editor/vscode: update go extension
00c033e flare: include tests
ac9aa00 flare: uncomment http server validation
52de419 http/middleware: add a custom recover middleware
358f3ef http/middleware: add middlewares
2f1c2bb http/middleware: simplifies log middleware
5bc6b95 infra/http: add response writer
e05090a infra/http: include tests
0b378bb infra/task: improve log
66cf2f9 infra: improve log
02c9552 lint: fixed lint warnings
70ce3eb linter: fix linter warnings
767d4a5 log: improve log
04ea730 make: added task to optimize git
37bbada make: fix identation
19d70ab memory/queue: decrease wait time
2104dc7 misc: add example
528d439 misc: add goreleaser
4f4efda misc: bump go version to 1.9.2
141b53b misc: fix linter issues with the example
1c13e65 misc: fix miss of env variables on make
69e38c5 mongodb/resource: fix index
4ecbe63 mongodb/resource: fix missing parameter on query
01c6316 mongodb/subscription: fix index
02876e2 mongodb/subscription: fix wrong parse of response
e20d1dc mongodb/subscription: missing resourceID during search
5811bd9 mongodb: add indexes
ec2e523 mongodb: add missing connection parameters
e5eabf5 mongodb: add mongodb repository
cc8f3b1 mongodb: change subscription trigger document format
597d88f mongodb: override default id
09c2867 provider/memory: fix subscription duplication error
26507b3 provider/memory: remove panic
28bb06a provider/mongodb: fix subscription trigger
b8e82b5 queue: fix memory queue initialization
64e2892 repository/memory: add tests
23471c7 repository/memory: fix a index of range error
57134e6 repository/mongodb: add protection against duplicated subscriptions
6425f51 repository/mongodb: allow more then one resource per address
0a2246a repository/mongodb: fix missing updatedAt
c0d30dc repository/mongodb: fix subscription delete trigger success flag
a163c99 repository/mongodb: fix subscription trigger success flag
e476c27 repository: add documentation
6fbb9c9 repository: add tests for repositories
299524d repository: remove unnecessary time convertion
17b51bb resource: add domain validation to check the http schema
f8ef4b1 resource: add protection against wildcards with the same name
9a28520 resource: added more protection on wildcard and track marks
d2f0954 resource: added more tests
8e64737 resource: added some tests
15c09e8 resource: added tests
e4f291a resource: added tests
7bde6e0 resource: added tests
4de8f55 resource: added tests
d3bda1f resource: added tests
31ca8fd resource: added tests
dfae7d9 resource: added tests
5a46ede resource: added the resource endpoint
6b18800 resource: added track mark
c051c5b resource: change a test to use goconvey
1af7525 resource: changed the field domains to addresses
33e9992 resource: fix cyclomatic complexity function
272e473 resource: fix text message misspell
5434bdf resource: join address and path into endpoint
f923287 resource: load mock from infra package
54450da resource: make 'revision' a reserved word at wildcard
4ae23ef resource: path should start with slash and now can have named wildcards
bc382e3 resource: protect the creation of resources with path, fragment or query string
b613b5d resource: refactor on error handling
7e376cf resource: refactor the tests
8ddbfa4 resource: remove change kind
8bc7fb4 resource: remove track mark
af7a54a resource: removed updatedAt
1f17c9b resource: test refactor and code improvement
0f5989a resource: trim spaces from content
a999ea9 resource: use repository test
9e5b382 resource: validate if the path don't end with a slash
279644d server: added not found and method not allowed protection
ebd1f0d server: fix import order
862a19b subscription/trigger: add richer trigger notification
b5688e7 subscription: add content-type json on trigger
3a61b23 subscription: add sendDocument option
64759ea subscription: add skipEnvelope option
493e28a subscription: add support for revision on trigger data
ad8d6cf subscription: add support to customize the endpoint by action
7838841 subscription: add tests and minor refactor
1707936 subscription: add wildcard support
9ffd12f subscription: added the subscription endpoint
7dc3cd5 subscription: content refactor
5b9298a subscription: fix invalid validation of url
21152f1 subscription: fix linter warning
574cfdb subscription: ignore messages with not found documents
26986df subscription: initialize headers struct before use
f33b7f9 subscription: load mock from infra package
672f652 subscription: only send content-type header if content bigger then zero
d84c537 subscription: only send the data on trigger if it exists
f2c71c4 subscription: parse the revision to string if it's a time.Time
bacca00 subscription: process triggers from a worker
a8cd17c subscription: refactor mongodb
0ff6a4a subscription: refactor trigger marshal/unmarshal
09c0795 subscription: remove unnecessary field from sqs message
6c94b3e subscription: return 429 instead of 500 on create conflict
bf829e9 subscription: test refactor
4745feb subscription: trigger send the document with it
9966de2 subscription: use infra http test package
e15a2bc subscription: validate if the resource exist before create
0f080cd test: fix invalid linter
321eaff vendor: remove unused dependency
aa1a0d8 vendor: update dependencies
69aa28b wildcard: add tests for empty content
bce80dc worker: add log
docker pull diegobernardes/flare:v0.1.0-alpha