MusicMarkt is an online store for items related to music, such as CDs, instruments and many others. Besides these basic shopping functionalities MusicMarkt also has a reservation feature, and a scoreboard system regarding money spent by clients on certain artists or bands, which can give privileges regarding reservations. The primary focus of this application is its security.
This application is composed by four main components :
- Web Application
- Database
- Client
- Router
The technology used for the database was PostgreSQL.
- PostgreSQL - Relational Database Management System
Implemented using Flask a python web framework. The communication with the database is done through a custom API created using psycopg2
python library. The database API creates a high level interface with the database.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
The MusicMarkt service is provided by three machines (application server, database and a router). All this machines are virtualized in the testing environment and are running an Ubuntu distribution.
There is some software that needs to be installed in each machine :
# install postgreSQL sudo apt update sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Application Server
# install python modules pip install flask pip install rsa pip install psycopg2-binary
Specific setup and installation steps for each machine are specified in following
- /server/ - Instructions on how to setup the application server
- /client/ - Instructions on how to setup the client mobile app
- /database/ - Instructions on how to setup the database
The setup of the system must be done in the following order: 1. Database 2. Client 3. Application Server
- Setup firewall rules in the respective machines (this rules are stored in scripts inside the folder
)# on the router ./firewalls/ ./firewalls/ # on the api ./firewalls/ ./firewalls/ # on the database ./firewalls/ ./firewalls/
- Make sure that the database is running and accessible from the application server
# on the database sudo service postgresql status
- Run the client mobile app
# on the client python3 /client/
- Run the server
# on the application server cd /server/ ./
- Diogo Braz, 95557 - difb70
- João Ramalho, 95599 - WhoIsGinja
- Tomás Tavares, 95680 - Th0mz