Here you can find some of the dotfiles, I am using on my T490 Thinkpad with Arch Linux.
- Boot manager: systemd-boot
- Package manager: yay (and pacman of course ;))
- Networking: networkmanager, network-manager-applet
- Audio: pulseaudio, amixer, alsa-utils, pasystray
- i3
- Lock screen: i3lock
- Status bar: i3blocks
- Background images: feh
- Notification Daemon: dunst
- Launcher: rofi
- Compositor: compton
- Display management: xrandr, arandr, autorandr
- Blue light filter: redshift
- GTK Theme Management: lxappearance
- QT Theme Management: qt5ct
- Browser: chromium
- File manager: pcmanfm
- File sharing: nextcloud-client
- Messenger: telegram, slack, rocketchat
- Editors: Sublime 3, VS Code
- E-Mail: thunderbird
- Office: libreoffice
- Password Manager: keepassxc
- Video: vlc
- Music: spotify
- Clipboard manager: parcellite
- Calculator: gnome-calculator
- Screenshots: scrot & flameshot
- Terminal: terminator
- Shell: zsh (with oh-my-zsh)
- Image viewer: eog
- Archiver: file-roller
- Virtualization: virtualbox
- Firewall: ufw
- LaTeX IDE: texstudio
- Graphics Editor: gim
- PDF Editor: pdfmod
- Ruler: eruler
- Color picker: gcolor2
- Font viewer: gnome-font-viewer
- Backup: back-in-time
- Hex-Editor: bless
- Notes: boostnote
- IDE: intellij, phpstorm, datagrip
- Version control: git, diff-so-fancy, gitg
- Containers: docker, docker-compose
- API Testing: postman
- Grepping: ack
- Local DNS server: dnsmasq
- arc-icon-theme
- arc-gtk-theme
- adobe-source-code-pro-fonts
- noto-fonts
- ttf-dejavu
- ttf-droid
- ttf-font-awesome
- ttf-joypixels (for Emojis)
- ttf-linux-libertine
- ttf-roboto
- ttf-ubuntu-font-family
- ttf-open-sans