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Callout intent input fields:

  • accuracy: String of integer meters; locations less accurate than this are ignored
  • coordinates: String "true" if coordinates required in result
  • image: String "true" if image file path required in result
  • interval_meters: String of integer meters; new location less than this far away from the previous location will be ignored
  • interval_millis: String of integer milliseconds; new location less than this much newer than previous location will be ignored

Result intent fields (all under bundle "odk_intent_bundle"):

  • area: String of double square meters; area of measured land
  • perimeter: String of double meters; perimeter length of measured land
  • coordinates: (may be absent) String of lat/lng doubles; perimeter coordinates of measured land
  • image: (may be absent) String of file path: path to saved image of land map