Small-scale HashiCorp Nomad running across AWS EC2 instances for quick testing and tear down.
The Nomad AWS Mini-Lab is comprised of:
- Set up new VPC
- Create 3 public subnets
- Create Security Groups for ingress and egress
- Create an Internet Gateway
- Create a Routing Table and Subnet Associations
- 3 EC2 instances by default spread across 3 availability zones (adjustable)
Small-scale HashiCorp Nomad running across AWS EC2 instances for quick testing and tear down.
Setting up Nomad for occasional use on AWS does have some different deploument patterns. Using the official CloudFormation template is robust (and pricey for a temporary lab). What is needed is a way of making sure you have all the dependencies, policies, networks, and more. It's also easy to leave behind a lot of remnants in AWS which are either costly or confusing (e.g. empty policies, unused subnets)
You will need:
- AWS IAM credentials - currently using root credentials (which is not ideal)
- Terraform Cloud our Terraform Enterprise account
Terraform configuration built for Terraform 0.13.4 or higher
The lab does the following which is also completely removed when you do a deprovision/destroy so you have no unnecessary remnants left behind:
- Set up new VPC
- Create 3 public subnets
- Create Security Groups for ingress and egress
- Create an Internet Gateway
- Create a Routing Table and Subnet Associations
- Create a 3-node Consul Cluster
- Add Nomad to the 3-node Cluster
You will need to have the following defined in your Terraform configuration. This was built using Terraform Cloud and Terraform Enterprise so the description
Variable | Type | Content |
aws_access_key | sensitive | Your AWS programmatic API key |
aws_secret_key | sensitive | Your AWS API secret key |
aws_region | standard | Region to launch in (e.g. us-east-2) |
aws_key_name | text | Display name of your SSH key in AWS |
aws_key_fingerprint | text | SSH key fingerprint (hex format) from AWS |
nomad_node_instance_size | text | AWS instance family type (e.g. t3.small) |
allowed_ip_network | HCL | Ingress networks for http/https/ssh using HCL format (e.g. ["",""] |
nomad_node_count | numeric | How many nodes do you want in the cluster |
This was built using a VCS-backed configuration using GitHub using the very repository you're forking this from.
This is work in progress. Code contributions or ideas alwasy welcome via Issues or PR!