Php-Rest-Service is a simple and fast PHP class for RESTful JSON APIs.
- Easy to use syntax
- Regular Expression support
- Error handling through PHP Exceptions
- Parameter validation through PHP function signature
- Can return a summary of all routes or one route through
method based on PHPDoc (ifOPTIONS
is not overridden) - Support of
- Suppress the HTTP status code with ?_suppress_status_code=1 (for clients that have troubles with that)
- Supports ?_method=
as addition to the actual HTTP method. - With auto-generation through PHP's
- More information available under
Create a composer.json
"require": {
"marcj/php-rest-service": "*"
and run
$ wget
$ php composer.phar install
After the installation, you need to include the vendor/autoload.php
to make the class in your script available.
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
- PHP 5.3 and above.
- PHPUnit to execute the test suite.
- Setup PATH_INFO in mod_rewrite (.htaccess) or other webserver configuration
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.+) index.php/$1 [L,QSA]
// edit virtualhost /etc/nginx/conf.d/name_virtualhost_file
server {
.. something params ...
location / {
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php;
// and add line to /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params
fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;
use RestService\Server;
->addGetRoute('test', function(){
return 'Yay!';
->addGetRoute('foo/(.*)', function($bar){
return $bar;
use RestService\Server;
Server::create('/admin', 'myRestApi\Admin')
namespace MyRestApi;
class Admin {
* Checks if a user is logged in.
* @return boolean
public function getLoggedIn(){
return $this->getContainer('auth')->isLoggedIn();
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* return boolean
public function postLogin($username, $password){
return $this->getContainer('auth')->doLogin($username, $password);
* @param string $server
* @url stats/([0-9]+)
* @url stats
* @return string
public function getStats($server = '1'){
return $this->getServerStats($server);
Generates following entry points:
+ GET /admin/logged-in
+ POST /admin/login?username=&password=
+ GET /admin/stats/([0-9]+)
+ GET /admin/stats
use RestService\Server;
Server::create('/admin', new MyRestApi\Admin) //base entry points `/admin`
->setDebugMode(true) //prints the debug trace, line number and file if a exception has been thrown.
->addGetRoute('login', 'doLogin') // => /admin/login
->addGetRoute('logout', 'doLogout') // => /admin/logout
->addGetRoute('page', 'getPages')
->addPutRoute('page', 'addPage')
->addGetRoute('page/([0-9]+)', 'getPage')
->addDeleteRoute('page/([0-9]+)', 'deletePage')
->addPostRoute('page/([0-9]+)', 'updatePage')
->addGetRoute('foo/bar/too', 'doFooBar')
->addSubController('tools', \RestApi\Tools) //adds a new sub entry point 'tools' => admin/tools
->addDeleteRoute('cache', 'clearCache')
->addGetRoute('rebuild-index', 'rebuildIndex')
namespace MyRestApi;
class Admin {
public function login($username, $password){
if (!$this->validLogin($username, $password)
throw new InvalidLoginException('Login is invalid or no access.');
return $this->getToken();
public function logout(){
if (!$this->hasSession()){
throw new NoCurrentSessionException('There is no current session.');
return $this->killSession();
public function getPage($id){
namespace RestAPI;
class Tools {
* Clears the cache of the app.
* @param boolean $withIndex If true, it clears the search index too.
* @return boolean True if the cache has been cleared.
public function clearCache($withIndex = false){
return true;
The response body is always a array (JSON per default) containing a status code and the actual data. If a exception has been thrown, it contains the status 500, the exception class name as error and the message as message.
Some examples:
+ GET admin/login?username=foo&password=bar
"status": "200",
"data": true
+ GET admin/login?username=foo&password=invalidPassword
"status": "500",
"error": "InvalidLoginException",
"message": "Login is invalid or no access"
+ GET admin/login
"status: "400",
"error": "MissingRequiredArgumentException",
"message": "Argument 'username' is missing"
+ GET admin/login?username=foo&password=invalidPassword
With active debugMode we'll get:
"status": "500",
"error": "InvalidLoginException",
"message": "Login is invalid or no access",
"line": 10,
"file": "libs/RestAPI/Admin.class.php",
"trace": <debugTrace>
+ GET admin/tools/cache
"status": 200,
"data": true
Licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Take a look into the code, to get more information about the possibilities. It's well documented.