Extended Drupal extensions for Behat
For setup instructions on getting testing for Drupal running, see the drupal-extension docs https://behat-drupal-extension.readthedocs.io/
This set of 'Contexts' provides a few more sets of actions we can test.
To include these contexts in your project:
Include this library in your behat test project composer.json
{ "require": { /* Other stuff */ "dman-coders/drupal-more-extensions": "~1.0@dev" }, "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "[email protected]:jhedstrom/drupalextension.git" } ], }
And run
composer update
. -
Include the DrupalMoreExtensions Context(s) in your behat.yml
default: suites: default: contexts: - FeatureContext - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext /* Other Stuff */ - Drupal\DrupalMoreExtensions\Context\BrowserContext - Drupal\DrupalMoreExtensions\Context\ScreenshotContext: params: path: 'screenshots' timestamped: false
And you should see the new commands become available.
The actions listed here may be incomplete. Run:
behat -dl
to list the real state of available definitions.
behat -di
to show the associated action help.
- @Given the viewport is :arg1
- @Given the viewport is wide/medium/narrow/mobile
- @Then I take a screenshot and save as :arg1
- @Then /^take a screenshot of "([^"])" and save as "([^"])"$/
And some runtime debug additions:
- @Then /^show me a screenshot$/
- @Then /^show me the HTML page$/
- @Given I wait :arg1 seconds
- I select vertical tab "#edit-options"
- @Then /^I fill in ckeditor on field "([^"])" with "([^"])"$/
- @Then /^I fill in tinymce on field "([^"])" with "([^"])"$/
- @Given I log in to Drupal as :arg1 with password :arg2
- @Given I log in to OpenID as :arg1 with password :arg2
- @Given I remember cookies
- @Given I am logged in as user :name
- @Given I am authenticated with Drupal as (user) :arg1 with password :arg2
- @Given I reset the admin password to :arg1
- @Given I am logged in as the superuser
To include these new steps and actions,
In behat.yml, include:
- Drupal\DrupalMoreExtensions\Context\DrupalLoginContext
If you want to use the "I am logged in as user :name" action, pre-configure some users as below. This will NOT create these users, use this to leverage existing accounts.
- Drupal\DrupalMoreExtensions\Context\DrupalLoginContext:
name: admin
pass: adminpass
name: "tester"
pass: "tester"