This repository contains code developed within the Discrete Mathematics / Geometry (DM/G) group at TU Berlin.
Most code will be developed either for the polymake or OSCAR framework.
List of repositories
- ThePolyhedralGeometryOfTruthfulAuctions Data files for checking the computations made in the paper "The Polyhedral Geometry of Truthful Auctions" by Michael Joswig, Max Klimm and Sylvain Spitz
Supplementary material for the article "Regular flips in mptopcom"- QuantumAutomorphismGroups.jl
- Computing-lines-on-tropical-cubic-surfaces
- fair-phylogenetic-trees
- parsing-topcom-triangulations This repository contains various scripts for parsing the output of TOPCOM or mptopcom.
- RegularSolidsSrc Code used for generating precise Johnson Solids, Archimedean Solids and Catalan Solids