This application is served as an example of how to create a development environment using Docker containers to connect Single Page ReactJS application with Django back-end. The stack includes:
- ReactJS front-end single page application with persistent storage using Redux
- Django back-end serving as REST API framework
- Celery worker to perform background tasks using PhantomJS headless browser to crawl javascript-heavy websites for data
- Node.js server for hot live-update development
- MariaDB as a database
- Redis as a cache and Django-Celery communicating layer
- Gunicorn as an application server
- Nginx as web server
- Docker to containerize everything for development and deployment
Query form to perform search requests againt YouTube and Google, display top 100 results, display 'Cloud of Words' for all results from Google
Application requires Docker and Docker Compose to run.
Build and run the containers
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run
Open the website in your browser
Use demo/demo as login account to navigate the app. Visit to see API schema generated by Swagger
- Use Websocker for new events (or Firebase service) for live updates of task progress
- Add RabbitMQ service as a more reliable communication layer between Django and Celery
- Add unit tests for back end
- Add UI tests for front end