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Add Claude support
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slimslenderslacks committed Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 91121bc commit 9ca1339
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Showing 5 changed files with 277 additions and 11 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ clj -M:main run \
--host-dir /Users/slim/docker/labs-make-runbook \
--user jimclark106 \
--platform darwin \
--prompts-file prompts/qrencode/
--prompts-file prompts/examples/

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238 changes: 238 additions & 0 deletions src/claude.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
(ns claude
[babashka.http-client :as http]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[ :as io]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[clojure.string :as string]

(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(defn claude-api-key []
(string/trim (slurp (io/file (or (System/getenv "CLAUDE_API_KEY_LOCATION") (System/getenv "HOME")) ".claude-api-key")))
(catch Throwable _ nil)))

(defn parse-sse [s]
(when (string/starts-with? s "data:")
(string/replace s "data: " "")))

(defn prepare-system-messages [request]
(let [system-message (->> request :messages (filter #(= "system" (:role %))) (map :content) (apply str))]
(-> request
(assoc :system system-message)
(update-in [:messages] (fn [messages] (filter (complement #(= "system" (:role %))) messages))))))

(prepare-system-messages {})
(prepare-system-messages {:messages [{:role "system" :content "hello"}
{:role "user" :content "world"}]}))

(defn map-to-claude [tools]
(->> tools
(map (fn [{:keys [function]}] (-> function
(select-keys [:name :description])
(assoc :input_schema (or (:parameters function) {:type "object" :properties {}}))
(assoc-in [:input_schema :required] []))))))

;; tool messages in claude are user messages with a tool_use_id instead of a tool_call_id
(defn filter-tool-messages [messages]
(->> messages
(map (fn [{:keys [role] :as m}]
(if (= role "tool")
{:role "user" :content [{:type "tool_result" :content (:content m) :tool_use_id (:tool_call_id m)}]}

(defn map-tool-use-messages [messages]
(->> messages
(map (fn [{:keys [tool_calls] :as message}]
(if tool_calls
{:role (:role message)
:content (concat
(when (:content message) [{:type "text" :text (:content message)}])
(->> tool_calls
(map (fn [{:keys [id function]}]
{:type "tool_use"
:id id
:name (:name function)
:input (or (json/parse-string (:arguments function) true) {})}))))}

(filter-tool-messages [{:role "tool" :content "hello" :tool_call_id "1234"}]))

; tool
(defn sample
"get a response
response stream handled by callback
returns nil
throws exception if response can't be initiated or if we get a non 200 status code"
[request cb]
(jsonrpc/notify :start {:level (or (:level request) 0) :role "assistant"})
(let [b (merge
{:model "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022"
:max_tokens 8192}
(when (seq (:tools request))
{:tool_choice {:type "auto"
:disable_parallel_tool_use true}})
(-> request
(update-in [:messages] filter-tool-messages)
(update-in [:messages] map-tool-use-messages)
(update-in [:tools] map-to-claude)
(dissoc :url :level)))

(or (:url request) "")
{:body (json/encode b)
:headers {"x-api-key" (or (claude-api-key)
(System/getenv "CLAUDE_API_KEY"))
"anthropic-version" "2023-06-01"
"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:throw false}
(when (true? (:stream b))
{:as :stream})))]
(if (= 200 (:status response))
(if (not (true? (:stream b)))
(some-> (if (string? (:body response))
(:body response)
(slurp (:body response)))
(json/parse-string true)
(doseq [chunk (line-seq (io/reader (:body response)))]
(some-> chunk
(json/parse-string true)
(let [s (if (string? (:body response))
(:body response)
(slurp (:body response)))]
(jsonrpc/notify :message {:content s})
(throw (ex-info "Failed to call Claude API" {:body s}))))))

(sample {:messages [{:role "user" :content "hello"}]
:stream true} println)
(sample {:messages [{:role "user" :content "run the curl command for"}]
:tools [{:name "curl"
:description "run the curl command"
:input_schema {:type "object"
:properties {:url {:type "string"}}}}]
:stream true} println))

(def stop-reasons
{:end_turn "stopped normally"
:max_tokens "max response length reached"
:stop_sequence "making tool calls"
:tool_use "content filter applied"})

(defn update-tool-calls [m tool-calls]
(fn [m {:keys [id name arguments]}]
(if id
(-> m
(update-in [:tool-calls id :function] (constantly {:name name}))
(assoc-in [:tool-calls id :id] id)
(assoc :current-tool-call id))
(update-in m [:tool-calls (:current-tool-call m) :function :arguments] (fnil str "") arguments)))
m tool-calls))

(defn response-loop
"handle one response stream that we read from input channel c
adds content or tool_calls while streaming and call any functions when done
returns channel that will emit the an event with a ::response"
(let [response (atom {})]
(let [e (async/<! c)]
(if (:done e)
(let [{calls :tool-calls content :content finish-reason :finish-reason} @response
r {:messages [(merge
{:role "assistant"
:content (or content "")}
(when (seq (vals calls))
{:tool_calls (->> (vals calls)
(map #(assoc % :type "function")))}))]
:finish-reason finish-reason}]

(jsonrpc/notify :message {:debug (str @response)})
(jsonrpc/notify :functions-done (or (vals calls) ""))
;; make-tool-calls returns a channel with results of tool call messages
;; so we can continue the conversation

(let [{:keys [content tool_calls finish-reason]} e]
(when content
(swap! response update-in [:content] (fnil str "") content)
(jsonrpc/notify :message {:content content}))
(when tool_calls
(swap! response update-tool-calls tool_calls)
(jsonrpc/notify :functions (->> @response :tool-calls vals)))
(when finish-reason (swap! response assoc :finish-reason finish-reason))


(defn chunk-handler
"sets up a response handler loop for use with an OpenAI API call
returns [channel openai-handler] - channel will emit the complete fully streamed response"
(let [c (async/chan 1)]
[(response-loop c)
(fn [{:keys [delta type] :as chunk}]
(= "message_delta" type)
(:stop_reason delta))
(async/>!! c {:finish-reason (if (= "tool_use" (:stop_reason delta))
(:stop_reason delta))})

(= "content_block_start" type)
(= "text" (-> chunk :content_block :type)))
(async/>!! c {:content (-> chunk :content_block :text)})

(= "content_block_delta" type)
(= "text_delta" (-> delta :type)))
(async/>!! c {:content (-> delta :text)})

(= "message_stop" type)
(async/>!! c {:done true})

(= "content_block_delta" type)
(= "input_json_delta" (-> delta :type)))
;; partial_json
(async/>!! c {:tool_calls [{:arguments (-> delta :partial_json)}]})

(= "content_block_start" type)
(= "tool_use" (-> chunk :content_block :type)))
; id, name and input
(async/>!! c {:tool_calls [(:content_block chunk)]})))]))


(let [[c h] (chunk-handler)]
(sample {:messages [{:role "user" :content "hello"}]
:stream true} h)
(println "post-stream:\n" (-> (async/<!! c)

(let [[c h] (chunk-handler)]
(sample {:messages [{:role "user" :content "run the curl command for"}]
:tools [{:name "curl"
:description "run the curl command"
:input_schema {:type "object"
:properties {:url {:type "string"}}}}]
:stream true} h)
(println "post-stream:\n" (-> (async/<!! c)
22 changes: 20 additions & 2 deletions src/graph.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
(ns graph
[clojure.core.async :as async]
[clojure.core.match :refer [match]]
[clojure.pprint :as pprint]
[clojure.string :as string]
Expand All @@ -19,6 +21,21 @@
(async/>!! c {:messages [{:role "assistant" :content s}]
:finish-reason "error"}))

(def providers {:openai [openai/chunk-handler openai/openai]
:claude [claude/chunk-handler claude/sample]})
(defn llm-provider [model]
(nil? model) :openai
(some #(string/starts-with? model %) ["gpt"]) :openai
(some #(string/starts-with? model %) ["claude"]) :claude
:else :openai))

(llm-provider nil)
(llm-provider "gpt-4")
(llm-provider "claude-3.5-sonnet-latest")
(providers (llm-provider "claude-3.5-sonnet-latest")))

(defn run-llm
"call openai compatible chat completion endpoint and handle tool requests
Expand All @@ -28,7 +45,8 @@
opts for running the model
returns channel that will contain an coll of messages"
[{:keys [messages functions metadata] {:keys [url model stream level]} :opts}]
(let [[c h] (openai/chunk-handler)
(let [[chunk-handler sample] (providers (llm-provider (or (:model metadata) model)))
[c h] (chunk-handler)
request (merge
(dissoc metadata :agent :host-dir :workdir :prompt-format :description :name) ; TODO should we just select relevant keys instead of removing bad ones
{:messages messages
Expand All @@ -41,7 +59,7 @@
(when (and stream (nil? (:stream metadata))) {:stream stream}))]
(if (seq messages)
(openai/openai request h)
(sample request h)
(stop-looping c "This is an empty set of prompts. Define prompts using h1 sections (eg `# prompt user`)"))
(catch ConnectException _
(stop-looping c "I cannot connect to an openai compatible endpoint."))
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8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/openai.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,14 +72,6 @@
:content_filter "content filter applied"
:not_specified "not specified"})

(s/def ::role #{"user" "system" "assistant" "tool"})
(s/def ::content string?)
(s/def ::message (s/keys :req-un [::role]
:opt-un [::content ::tool-calls]))
(s/def ::messages (s/coll-of ::message))
(s/def ::finish-reason any?)
(s/def ::response (s/keys :req-un [::finish-reason ::messages]))

(defn response-loop
"handle one response stream that we read from input channel c
adds content or tool_calls while streaming and call any functions when done
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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/schema.clj
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Expand Up @@ -107,3 +107,21 @@
{:name ""
:arguments "serialized json"}}]})

;; response from both openai and claude sampling
(s/def ::name string?)
(s/def ::arguments string?)
(s/def ::id string?)
(s/def :response/function (s/keys :req-un [::name ::arguments]))
(s/def :function/type #{"function"})
(s/def ::tool_call (s/keys :req-un [:response/function ::id :function/type]))
(s/def ::tool_calls (s/coll-of ::tool_call))
(s/def :response/role #{"assistant"})
(s/def :response/content string?)
(s/def ::message (s/keys :req-un [:response/role]
:opt-un [:response/content ::tool_calls]))
(s/def ::messages (s/coll-of ::message))
;; Claude uses tool_use but we'll standardize on tool_calls (the openai term)
(s/def ::finish-reason any?)
(s/def ::response (s/keys :req-un [::finish-reason ::messages])))

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