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EKS Lens Agent

The eks-lens-agent is a Kubernetes controller that watches for workload and infrastructure change events and sends them to the S3 bucket though Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose.


Set the following environment variables:

  • AWS_REGION - AWS region where the Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream is located
  • AWS_ACCOUNT - AWS account ID where the Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream is located

Setup AWS Account

Export AWS account ID:

export AWS_ACCOUNT=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)

Create S3 bucket for storing events:

aws s3api create-bucket \
    --bucket eks-lens \
    --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=${AWS_REGION}

Create the IAM role that grants Kinesis Data Firehose permission to put data into the bucket.

aws iam create-role \
        --role-name eks-lens-agent \
        --assume-role-policy-document file://./schema/iam-role-trust-policy.json

Keep the IAM role ARN for later use.

export FIREHOSE_ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT:role/eks-lens-firehose

Create Amazon Glue database for storing events:

aws glue create-database \
    --database-input "Name=eks-lens, Description=eks-lens, LocationUri=s3://eks-lens/events/, Parameters={}" \
    --region ${AWS_REGION}

Create Amazon Glue schema for storing events:

 aws glue create-schema \
    --schema-name eks-lens \
    --data-format 'AVRO' \
    --compatibility 'BACKWARD' \
    --schema-definition 'file://./schema/schema.json'

Create Amazon Glue table for storing events:

aws glue create-table \
    --database-name eks-lens \
    --table-input "file://./schema/table.json"

Keep the Amazon Glue table ARN for later use: arn:aws:glue:$AWS_REGION:123456789012:table/eks-lens/events

export GLUE_TABLE_ARN=arn:aws:glue:$AWS_REGION:$AWS_ACCOUNT:table/eks-lens/events

Create Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream with S3 destination and automatic conversion to Parquet format:

aws firehose create-delivery-stream \
    --delivery-stream-name eks-lens \
    --extended-s3-destination-configuration \
        "RoleARN=$FIREHOSE_ROLE_ARN, \
        BucketARN=arn:aws:s3:::eks-lens, \
        BufferingHints={SizeInMBs=128, IntervalInSeconds=60}, \
        CompressionFormat=UNCOMPRESSED, \
        Prefix=events/, \
        ErrorOutputPrefix=errors/, \
        S3BackupMode=Disabled, \
        CloudWatchLoggingOptions={ \
          Enabled=true, \
          LogGroupName=/aws/kinesisfirehose/eks-lens, \
          LogStreamName=DeliveryStream \
        }, \
        ProcessingConfiguration={Enabled=false}, \
        DataFormatConversionConfiguration={ \
            Enabled=true, \
            InputFormatConfiguration={ \
                Deserializer={ \
                    OpenXJsonSerDe={ \
                        ConvertDotsInJsonKeysToUnderscores=false \
                    } \
                } \
            }, \
            OutputFormatConfiguration={ \
                Serializer={ \
                    ParquetSerDe={} \
                } \
            }, \
            SchemaConfiguration={ \
                RoleARN=$FIREHOSE_ROLE_ARN, \
                DatabaseName=eks-lens, \
                TableName=events, \
                Region=$AWS_REGION, \
                VersionId=LATEST \
            } \
        }" \
    --region $AWS_REGION

Keep the Kinesis Data Firehose Delivery Stream ARN for later use.

export FIREHOSE_ARN=arn:aws:firehose:$AWS_REGION:$AWS_ACCOUNT:deliverystream/eks-lens

Create IAM Policy document that will be used by the eks-lens-agent to push events to Kinesis Data Firehose:

cat <<EOF > schema/iam-role-policy.json
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "FirehoseAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "$FIREHOSE_ARN"
            "Sid": "GlueAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "S3Access",
            "Effect": "Allow",      
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [        

Create IAM Policy that will be used by the eks-lens-agent to push events to Kinesis Data Firehose:

aws iam create-policy \
    --policy-name eks-lens-agent \
    --policy-document file://./schema/iam-role-policy.json

Create IAM role that will be used by the eks-lens-agent to push events to Kinesis Data Firehose:

aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name eks-lens-agent \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::$AWS_ACCOUNT:policy/eks-lens-agent

Configure ServiceAccount

Create a new ServiceAccount, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding:

kubectl apply -f deploy/rbac.yaml

Annotate the ServiceAccount with the IAM role ARN:

kubectl annotate serviceaccount eks-lens-agent$AWS_ACCOUNT:role/eks-lens-agent --namespace eks-lens

Deploy eks-lens-agent

Deploy the eks-lens-agent to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yaml

How to build

Run the following command to build the eks-lens-agent binary:


Build Docker image

Use Docker buildx plugin to build multi-architecture Docker image.

docker buildx build --platform=linux/arm64,linux/amd64 -t eks-lens-agent -f Dockerfile .


GitHub Actions are used for CI/CD. The following workflows are defined:

  • docker - builds and pushes Docker image to GitHub Container Registry
  • release - creates a new GitHub release with changelog and binaries
  • test - runs linters and unit tests

Required GitHub secrets

Please specify the following GitHub secret:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN - GitHub Personal Access Token (with write/read packages permission)