Releases: drdhaval2785/SanskritVerb
subanta and sandhi refactored
As a side effect of refactoring of panini.php for tiGanta generation, there crept in a bug.
subanta and sandhi generation stopped.
In this small release, this error is fixed.
Nothing major here as far as code correction is concerned.
Essentially a functionality addition release.
Tested for all verbs
The verb forms generated via this script is now checked against the database of University of Hyderabad and INRIA.
Now there is no form which is unaccounted for.
Extensive corrections based on discrepancies have been carried out since last release.
Roughly #667 to #930 have been corrected, barring a few.
In a way, the program tries to be as near to perfect derivation as possible.
N.B. - The output of Derivative verbs like sannanta, yaGanta, yaGluganta etc. are not compared yet.
Disclaimer - No guarantee of any sort. Released 'as is'. Use your discretion. Validate with some grammar book.
Added yaGluganta and sannanta forms
यङ्लुगन्तप्रक्रिया, सन्नन्तप्रक्रिया.
sannanta after Nijanta forms is not handled.
Added karmavAcya, bhAvavAcya, karmakartRvAcya, Nijanta and yaGanta
Earlier the machine used to produce only kartRvAcya (कर्तृवाच्य) forms of a given verb.
In this release karmavAcya (कर्मवाच्य), bhAvavAcya (भाववाच्य) and karmakartRvAcya (कर्मकर्तृवाच्य) are added.
Two sanAdi (सनादि) forms i.e. Nijanta (णिजन्त) and yaGanta (यङन्त) are also added.
Decide which sUtra bars which sUtras
Both frontend and CLI has this facility.
The intermediate files are stored in sutrarelations
is the CLI for this utility.
is the frontend facility.
Frontend facility presumes that you have already run the tiGanta.php
code without any sUtra suppressed, and then with some sUtra suppressed.
Round two of corrections
dhAtupATha commentaries offline
mAdhavIyadhAtuvRtti, kSIrataraGgiNI and dhAtupradIpa are now available for offline usage.
Courtesy - Prof. Amba Kulkarni of
Tested for representative verbs
The generated forms were compared against the databases of Prof. Gerard Huet ( and Prof. Amba Kulkarni ( Those which were not found in any of these two databases, were flagged as suspect entries. They were manually examined and the details were noted from issues #259 to #605.
Majority of them have been handled in this release.
Option to turn off application of some sUtra
Now we can use this as a pedagogical tool to understand the effect of removal of a sUtra / set of sUtra on Panini's grammar.
E.g. Removal of 1.3.9 may lead to भूशप्तिप् , भूशप्तस् etc forms instead of भवति, भवतः etc.
Commentaries in local computers too
Earlier, we used to refer the sUtra number to another website for commentary.
Now, the package itself has the commentary file inbuilt.
Acknowledgements -