This feels like paradise
This release contains a considerable amount of bug fixes and improvements. Here are the biggest ones:
- 7.x-3.0-rc3+74-dev Can't disable any user role permissions 7.x-3.x #79
- 7.x-3.0-rc3+84-dev - Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted 7.x-3.x #78
- Update font awesome and bootstrap for 3.0 release 7.x-3.x #77
- Quick fix for views admin float rage 7.x-3.x #76
- Saving a page with the IPE breaks responsive grid #73
- kalatheme_lib_dir() rage! 7.x-3.x #64
- Responsive Toggling not working (7.x-3.0-rc3) #63
- Error in dev (June 24) after updating from #57
not permitted inkalatheme_lib_dir()
bug #56- fix(kalacustomize): fixes #46 #50
- Fixed typos in kalacustomize .inc #46
- Kalacustomize tags not being applied to panel #44
- Issue #15 Fixed library creation if/then to prevent false errors #43
- Issue #14 Fixed if/then in kalatheme_process_page to include empty variable exclusion #21
- Views content pane display does not grid properly 7.x-3.x#19
- Kalatheme + Panopoly 1.3 or greater + Libraries 2.2 = FAIL bug #17
- Clean install with kalatheme throws Fatal error: Class 'views_plugin_style' not found 7.x-3.x #16
- Kalacustomize styles don't work #14
- Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in kalatheme_process_page() (line 122 of XXX/sites/all/themes/kalatheme/template.php). #9
- FIx subtheme gen on windows
- Other small bug fixez