This module provides functionality to ratelimit aspects of SSP
composer require cirrusidentity/simplesamlphp-module-ratelimit
Any authsource that uses username and password (and also extends UserPassBase
can be wrapped with RateLimitUserPass
to limit the number of authentication attempts
an attacker can make.
- DeviceCookieLimimter: This sets a device cookie on successful authentications. Subsequent authentication attempts for the same user, on the same device will be allowed to proceed. This prevents an attacker from denial of servicing other users.
- IpLimiter: Allow limiting attempts by IP address. Allows white listing IPs and subnets to exclude
- PasswordStuffLimiter: Limits the amount of attempts an incorrect password can be used. Used to prevent password stuffing attacks where an attacker uses the same password but varies the username
- UsernameLimiter: Limits the amount of attempts by username.
All included limiters support these 2 settings:
- limit: (int)The number of failed attempts before limiter takes affect
- window: (string) An ISO8601 duration string for the time window to track limit. Example: PT5M would be 5 minutes. P14D would be 14 days.
$config = [
'sample' => [
delegate' => [
//Other ldap:LDAP options
'ratelimit' => [
0 => [
'window' => 'P28D',
'limit' => 10,
1 => [
'window' => 'PT5M',
'limit' => 20
2 => [
'window' => 'PT5M',
'limit' => 20
3 => [
'window' => 'PT5M',
'limit' => 100,
'whitelist' => [
If no ratelimit
block is defined then the UsernameLimiter
and DeviceCookieLimiter
are automatically enabled.
When a login attempt is blocked the authsource throws a WRONGUSERPASS
Run phpcs
to check code style
./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 lib/ tests/
Run phpunit
to test
You can auto correct some findings from phpcs. It is recommended you do this after stage your changes (or maybe even commit) since there is a non-trivial chance it will just mess up your code.
./vendor/bin/phpcbf --ignore=somefile.php --standard=PSR2 lib/ tests/