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UNMAINTAINED Gem for provisioning AWS servers and running Chef-solo scripts


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This Gem lets you define and launch a server cluster on Amazon EC2. The launch operation is idempotent, i.e., it only launches instances that are not running.


gem install awsborn


#! /usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems'
require 'awsborn'

# If not set, will be picked up from ENV['AMAZON_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
Awsborn.access_key_id = 'AAAAAAAAAAAA'
# Can be picked up from ENV['AMAZON_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] or Keychain (OS X)
Awsborn.secret_access_key = 'KKKKKKKKKKKK'

# Logs to `awsborn.log` in current dir with level INFO by default.
# To suppress logging, do `Awsborn.logger ='/dev/null')`
Awsborn.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

class LogServer < Awsborn::Server
  instance_type    :m1_small
  image_id         'ami-2fc2e95b', :sudo_user => 'ubuntu'
  security_group   'Basic web'
  keys             'keys/*.pub'
  bootstrap_script ''
  monitor          true

log_servers = LogServer.cluster do
  domain ''
  server :log_a, :zone => :eu_west_1a, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-a857b8c1"}, :ip => 'log-a'
  server :log_b, :zone => :eu_west_1b, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-aa57b8c3"}, :ip => 'log-b'


log_servers.each do |server|
  system "rake cook server=#{server.host_name}"

How it works

It's really simple:

  1. Define a server type (LogServer in the example above).
  2. Define a cluster of server instances.
  3. Launch the cluster.

See Launching a cluster below for details.

Defining a server type

Server types can be named anything but must inherit from Awsborn::Server. Servers take five different directives:

  • instance_type -- a symbol. One of :m1_small, :m1_large, :m1_xlarge, :m2_2xlarge, :m2_4xlarge, :c1_medium, :c1_xlarge, cc1.4xlarge, and t1.micro.
  • image_id -- a valid EC2 AMI or a hash {:i386 => 'ami-3232', :x64 => 'ami-6464'} Specify :sudo_user as an option if the AMI does not allow you to log in as root.
  • security_group -- a security group that you own.
  • keys -- one or more globs to public ssh key files. When the servers are running, root will be able to log in using any one of these keys.
  • bootstrap_script -- path to a script which will be run on each instance as soon as it is started. Use it to bootstrap chef and let chef take it from there. A sample bootstrap script is included towards the end of this document.

A server cannot be started without instance_type, image_id and security_group. The don't have to be defined for the server type though, but can equally well be added as options to the specific servers.

Defining a cluster

The cluster method accepts three commands, domain, load_balancer and server. domain is optional and is just a way to avoid repetition in the server commands. load_balancer is also optional and take a name and a hash. server takes a name (which can be used as a key in the cluster, e.g. log_servers[:log_a]) and a hash:

Mandatory keys for server:

  • :zone -- the availability zone for the server. Expressed as symbols, e.g. :us_east_1d, :us_west_1a, :eu_west_1c, :ap-southeast-1a, :ap-northeast-1b.
  • :disk -- a hash of device => volume-id. Awsborn uses the disks to tell if a server is running or not (see Launching a cluster). volume-id can also be an array [volume-id, :format], in which case the_server.format_disk_on_device?(device) will return true. See contrib/cookbooks/ec2-ebs for example usage.

Optional keys for server:

  • :ip -- a domain name which translates to an elastic ip. If the domain name does not contain a full stop (dot) and domain has been specified above, the domain is added.

Keys that override server type settings:

  • :instance_type
  • :sudo_user
  • :security_group
  • :keys
  • :bootstrap_script
  • :image_id

Mandatory keys for load_balancer:

  • :region -- the region covered by the load balancer. One of :us_east_1, :us_west_1, :eu_west_1, :ap_southeast_1, :ap_northeast_1

Optional keys for load_balancer:

  • :dns_alias -- a domain name to be tied to the load balancer in Route 53. May be a simple name (www) in which case the cluster domain will be added, or a full domain name.
  • :only -- a list of server names to which the load balancer is restricted.
  • :except -- a list of servers that the load balancer should ignore.
  • :health_check -- a hash containing full or partial health check configuration. Health check can contain :healthy_threshold, :unhealthy_threshold, :target, :timeout and :interval
  • :listeners -- a list of listener definitions for the load balancer. For instance: { :protocol => :http, :load_balancer_port => 80, :instance_port => 80 }
  • :sticky_cookies -- a list of ports/cookie policies that the load balancer should take care of. There are three kinds of available policies: :disabled, :app_generated (the cookie is generated by the app) or :lb_generated (the cookie is generated by the load balancer).


cluster "test" do
  domain ''
  load_balancer 'test-balancer',
    :region => :eu_west_1,
    :only => [:cluster_test_1, :cluster_test_2],
    :health_check => {
      :target => 'HTTP:80/index.html',
      :timeout => 6,
      :interval => 31,
      :unhealthy_threshold => 3,
      :healthy_threshold => 9
    :listeners => [
      { :protocol => :http, :load_balancer_port => 80,  :instance_port => 80},
      { :protocol => :tcp,  :load_balancer_port => 443, :instance_port => 443}
    :sticky_cookies => [
      { :ports => [80], :policy => :disabled }
      #{ :ports => [80], :policy => :app_generated, :cookie_name => 'some_cookie' }
      #{ :ports => [80], :policy => :lb_generated, :expiration_period => 10 * 60 }
  server :cluster_test_1, :zone => :eu_west_1a, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-12345678"}, :instance_type => :m1_small
  server :cluster_test_2, :zone => :eu_west_1a, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-09876543"}, :instance_type => :m1_small

Launching a cluster

The launch method on the cluster checks to see if each server is running by checking if the server's disks are attached to an EC2 instance, i.e., the server is defined by its content, not by its AMI or ip address.

Servers that are not running are started by calling the start method on the server, which does the following:

def start (key_pair)

  install_ssh_keys(key_pair) if keys

  if elastic_ip

  bootstrap if bootstrap_script

The key_pair is a temporary key pair that is used only for launching this cluster. In case of a failed launch, the private key is available as /tmp/temp_key_*.

Supplying user-data

Instances can be supplied user-data at launch, which can be used to integrate with e.g. cloud-init or similar. See

In Awsborn, you can supply user-data by defining a user_data instance method on the Server class which must return a string.

class LogServer < Awsborn::Server
  instance_type    :m1_small
  image_id         'ami-2fc2e95b', :sudo_user => 'ubuntu'
  security_group   'Basic web'
  keys             '../keys/*'
  bootstrap_script ''
  monitor          true

  cluster do
    domain ''
    server :log_a, :zone => :eu_west_1a, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-a857b8c1"}, :ip => 'log-a'
    server :log_b, :zone => :eu_west_1b, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-aa57b8c3"}, :ip => 'log-b'

  def user_data

A bootstrapping script

This is what we use with the AMI above:


echo '------------------'
echo 'Bootstrapping Chef'

aptitude -y update
aptitude -y install gcc g++ curl build-essential \
  libxml-ruby libxml2-dev \
  ruby irb ri rdoc ruby1.8-dev libzlib-ruby libyaml-ruby libreadline-ruby \
  libruby libruby-extras libopenssl-ruby \
  libdbm-ruby libdbi-ruby libdbd-sqlite3-ruby \
  sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libsqlite3-ruby

curl -L '' | tar zxf -
cd rubygems* && ruby setup.rb --no-ri --no-rdoc

ln -sfv /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem

gem install chef ohai --no-ri --no-rdoc --source --source

echo 'Bootstrapping Chef - done'
echo '-------------------------'

Running with Chef Solo

Awsborn integrates with Chef Solo. An example from reality:

Awsborn.access_key_id = 'AKIAJHL53MPX7LPCKIFQ'

class LogServer < Awsborn::Server
  instance_type    :m1_small
  image_id         'ami-2fc2e95b', :sudo_user => 'ubuntu'
  security_group   'Basic web'
  keys             '../keys/*'
  bootstrap_script ''
  monitor          true

  cluster do
    domain ''
    server :log_a, :zone => :eu_west_1a, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-a857b8c1"}, :ip => 'log-a'
    server :log_b, :zone => :eu_west_1b, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-aa57b8c3"}, :ip => 'log-b'

  cluster :test do
    domain ''
    server :test, :zone => :eu_west_1b, :disk => {:sdf => "vol-abababab"}, :ip => 'log-test'

  def chef_dna
      :user => "lumberjack",
      :host => host_name,
      :users =>  [
          :username => "lumberjack",
          :authorized_keys => key_data,
          :gid => 1001,
          :uid => 1001,
          :sudo => true,
      :packages => %w[
      :gems => [
      :ebs_volumes => [
        {:device => "sdf", :path => "/apps"}
      :recipes => [

Just add a Rakefile in the same directory:

require 'awsborn'
include Awsborn::Chef::Rake
require './servers'

Put your cookbooks directory in the same directory as the Rakefile or in its parent directory. Run rake to start all servers and run Chef on each of them. Other rake tasks include:

  • rake chef - Run chef on all servers, or the ones specified with host=name1,name2.
  • rake chef:debug - Ditto, but with chef's log level set to debug.
  • rake start - Start all servers (or host=name1,name2) but don't run chef.
  • rake start cluster=test - Start the servers in the named cluster. Default is the first unnamed cluster.

Bugs and surprising features

  • There is a race condition in launch: Immediately after the launch request (launch_instance) we call instance_running?, but occasionally, AWS will not recognise the instance id yet (InvalidInstanceID.NotFound: The instance ID 'i-e9005283' does not exist)
  • Running with rake suppresses stack traces which makes it hard to debug rare errors. The rake tasks or entry points should catch exceptions and print the stack trace.
  • t1_micro instances will select an i386 image when image_id is specified as a hash. To run them with x64 images, specify the image name on the server directive.

Untested features

  • Launching without ssh keys. (I suppose certain AMIs would support that.)

To do / Could do

  • Tests.
  • Dynamic discovery of instance types and availability zones.
  • Hack RightAws to verify certificates.
  • Elastic Load Balancing.
  • Launch servers in parallel.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • At the moment, the gem does not have much tests. I intend to fix that, and I won't accept patches without tests.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


New in 0.8.1

  • Specify health_check for load balancers.

New in 0.8.0

  • Server cluster can have load balancers.

New in 0.7.0

  • Allow several security groups per server.
  • Specify individual_security_group true to add a unique-ish security group named ServerClass servername. This security group is created on the fly if it doesn't exist.
  • Server clusters can have names.

New in 0.6.0

  • Uses right_aws version 2.

New in 0.5.4, 0.5.5

  • Run rake list to see a list of running servers.

New in 0.5.2, 0.5.3

  • Run rake upgrade_chef host=foo to upgrade chef on server foo.

New in 0.5.1

  • When awsborn uploads cookbooks and configuration, it looks for a cookbooks directory in the parent directory if none is found in the Rakefile's directory.

New in 0.5.0

  • Support for cc1.4xlarge and t1.micro instance types.


This gem is inspired by Awsymandias which was sort of what I needed but was too complicated to fix, partly because the documentation was out of date. Big thanks for the inspiration and random code snippets.


Copyright (c) 2010 ICE House & David Vrensk. See LICENSE for details.


UNMAINTAINED Gem for provisioning AWS servers and running Chef-solo scripts







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