The dwengo web page is a static website generated by jekyll.
To install jekyl follow the instructions on
To locally generate the website and run it on a test server use the following command:
bundle exec jekyll serve
from the project root.
All pages should be translated into dutch, french, german, and English. Translation key-value pairs are defined in yaml. Translation files are found in the folder /_i18n (ex. /_i18n/fr.yml). Content written in markdown or html can be translated using the following liquid tags:
{% t translation_key_from_yaml %}
For translation examples, look in the index.markdown file.
To add a new page, four steps are required:
- Create a markdown file in the project root.
- Add page metadata to the file and make sure to specify layout, title, and permalink (ex.
- Add title translation key-value pairs to the translation yaml file for each language. Use the title value as key.
- Add a reference to the new file in the _config.yml file under the header_pages object. This will show a link to the page in the menu.
- Use bootstrap as much as possible and make sure the website is mobile responsive.
- Additional style elements can be added to the /_sass/minima.scss file.