Spacy pipeline running tagger
, parser
and Entity Ruler
packaged in a web app using Flask.
Set up a python virtual environment :
cd Inspacy
mkdir venv
python -m venv ./venv
Install dependencies :
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download fr_core_news_md
Setup environment variables & run the app :
flask run
Go to localhost:5000/demo
and enjoy !
A Python Web App for Named Entity Recognition using SpaCy !
The App is made up of three components : the pipeline itself, running both SpaCy
components and custom components (in
), the knowledge base used in this pipeline,
and the packaging in a web app (
Here is a description of the pipeline :
It runs a custom component, Rule Builder
, which takes as input an entity label, and generate
a rule used by Entity Ruler
, to recognize the entity in texts. Rules have several levels :
- strict : match the exact entity name.
- common : match groups of words which have the same part-of-speech tags and lemmas as the entity name.
- permis : same as common, but the group of word can contains additionnal adjectives