- install
- download this repository.
- open Terminal and go to the directory.
- run
npm install
- run
node server.js
- on a web browser visit http://localhost:8080
- you have to run the step 1 everytime you refresh the web page.
- sending port : 3334 (LW --> App)
- types
/mousemove/[x coodrinate]/[y coodrinate]
/moseup/[x coodrinate]/[y coodrinate]
/mosedown/[x coodrinate] [y coodrinate]
/wheel/[wheel data]
- receving port : 3333 (App --> LW)
- types
/camrotate [x-angle] [y-angle] [z-angle]
: in the unit of degree/camtranslate [x] [y] [z]
: some number between [-300,300]/add [row] [col] [content]
: insert [content] at position (row, col)/add [row] [col] [content] true
: replace [content] at position (row, col)/add [content]
: append [content] at the current cursor position (typically the last one. )/rotation [scale]
: scale of the rotation effect. [0,]/distort [scale]
: scale of the letter distortion [0,100]/color [red] [green] [blue]
: the background color RGB value [0,255]/color [greyscale]
: the background color in grayscale [0,255]/fontcolor [greyscale]
: the font color in grayscale [0,255]/fontscale [fontsize]
: the font size - numeric value 0 is default size./alpha [alphavalue]
: set alpha value of all text [0,255] 0 being transparent./alpha [alphavalue] [start line] [start ch] [end line] [end ch]
: set alpha value of text in the specified region, [0,255] 0 being transparent./fadeindelay [delay]
: delay value for text addition. if positive value, the text will fade in slowly. [0,-]/fontscale [fontsize]
: the font size - numeric value 0 is default size./disintegrate [start line] [start ch] [end line] [end ch]
: any letter within the specified region will be dispersed to a random direction./integrate [start line] [start ch] [end line] [end ch]
: any letters dispersed by/disintegrate
within the specified region will be reset./remove [start line] [start ch] [end line] [end ch]
- reference