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About CQs

jansupol edited this page May 6, 2022 · 1 revision

Contribution Questionnaire, or CQ, is a record that tracks the inclusion of intellectual property into a Project in Eclipse Foundation.

  • Whenever any non-eclipse code, library, the jar is to be used by Tyrus, a new CQ needs to be filed (unless piggybacked existing CQ)
  • Whenever a newer version of existing non-eclipse code, library, the jar is to be used by Tyrus, a new CQ needs to be filed.
  • Only a committer to Eclipse Tyrus project has the rights to file a CQ for the project.
  • A pull request (PR) with a new version of a jar can be marked with CQ Required label. Whenever CQ Required label appears at the commit, a committer needs to file/piggyback the CQ at the Eclipse Foundation. Then, until the CQ is not filed and approved, the PR must not be merged to the Tyrus repository.

When a CQ needs to be filed:

  • Search for a list of existing CQs. If CQ is found, a new piggyback of the CQ needs to be filed for Tyrus. If not found, the source code of the library needs to be attached to the CQ.
  • Recently, the Eclipse Foundation does not require to file a CQ if there exists an approved CQ for the product of the same version, and the same CQ requirements (source/binary, modified/unmodified).
  • IPLog - List of CQs
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