I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Earth System Science group at the Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS), located in Görlitz, Germany. I am studying animal-road interactions and movement ecology study design. My PhD was based in Thailand, working on the spatial-temporal patterns of wildlife-vehicle collisions in a Thai biodiversity hotspot, with a secondary focus on bat communities. I am particularly interested in movement ecology and road ecology.
🚧 I’m currently working on:
, a{Shiny}
application to assist in movement study design that leverages the{ctmm}
R package;
🔭 I have worked on:
, a review and tutorial to autocorrelated home range estimation using{R}
💡 I’m looking to collaborate on:
- I’m available to collaborate on projects related to the animal movement analyses or the study design of tracking projects. I am also really interested in anything to do with wildlife-vehicle collisions or wildlife-road interactions. If you’re looking for collaborations, assistance or advice in these areas, feel free to reach out— I’d be happy to help!