Convert a C++ Interface to a Google Mock or Turtle Mock class
The interface format could be similar to the following sample. By running the script the path of the header file and the type of generated mock, google or turtle mock, should be given so the output will be written in a file named (Mock[interface name].h), and next to the given header file.
class IShape
virtual double GetPerimeter() const = 0;
virtual double GetArea() const = 0;
virtual void SetName(const std::string& name) = 0;
virtual int GetNumberOfVertices() const = 0;
virtual std::pair<double, double> GetVertexPosition(int vertexIx) const = 0;
virtual ~IShape() = default;
#include "IShape.h"
class MockShape: public IShape
MOCK_METHOD(double, GetPerimeter, (), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD(double, GetArea, (), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD(void, SetName, (const std::string& name), (override));
MOCK_METHOD(int, GetNumberOfVertices, (), (const, override));
MOCK_METHOD((std::pair<double, double>), GetVertexPosition, (int vertexIx), (const, override));
#include "IShape.h"
MOCK_BASE_CLASS(MockShape, IShape)
MOCK_CONST_METHOD(GetPerimeter, 0, double());
MOCK_CONST_METHOD(GetArea, 0, double());
MOCK_NON_CONST_METHOD(SetName, 1, void(const std::string& name));
MOCK_CONST_METHOD(GetNumberOfVertices, 0, int());
MOCK_CONST_METHOD(GetVertexPosition, 1, std::pair<double, double>(int vertexIx));