A simple to use holographic material for threejs
Live link: https://threejs-vanilla-holographic-material.vercel.app/
CodeSandBox simplest example: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/three-js-vanilla-holographic-material-8clmrd
Dive into a world of mesmerizing holographic wonders with the HolographicMaterial for vanilla three.js. This enchanting three.js material brings your virtual reality experiences to life, infusing them with a burst of vibrant colors, dynamic scanlines, and a touch of futuristic brilliance.
While this material operates independently of any post-processing, it achieves an enhanced visual appeal when coupled with bloom effects. The utilization of bloom proves particularly effective in rendering a captivating glow effect, especially in areas where overexposure is prevalent.
You can see a video tutorial on how to use it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPcd8iEcna8
Create a new file with the contents of this gist on your project and save it as 'HolographicMaterialVanilla.js'
import HolographicMaterial from './HolographicMaterialVanilla.js'
// ...
const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry();
const holographicMaterial = new HolographicMaterial();
const cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, holographicMaterial);
// ...
// ...
const tick = () => {
holographicMaterial.update() // Update the holographic material time uniform
// ...
That's all that you need to use this material. Of course, you can customize it as shown below.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fresnelAmount | Number | 0.45 | Controls the value of the Fresnel effect. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. |
fresnelOpacity | Number | 1.0 | Controls the opacity of the Fresnel effect. Ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. |
scanlineSize | Number | 8.0 | Controls the size of the scanlines. Ranges from 1 to 15. |
hologramBrightness | Number | 1.2 | Controls the brightness of the hologram. Ranges from 0.0 to 2.0. |
signalSpeed | Number | 0.45 | Controls the speed of the signal effect. Ranges from 0.0 to 2.0. |
hologramColor | String | "#00d5ff" | Specifies the color of the hologram. Use hexadecimal format. |
enableBlinking | Boolean | true | Enables or disables the blinking effect. Defaults to true. |
hologramOpacity | Number | 1.0 | Specifies the opacity of the hologram. Defaults to 1.0. |
enableBlinking | Boolean | true | Enables or disables the blinking effect. Defaults to true. |
blinkFresnelOnly | Boolean | true | Enables or disables the blinking effect for the Fresnel only. Defaults to true. |
enableAdditive | Boolean | true | Enables or disables the Additive Blend Mode. Defaults to true. |
side | THREE.FrontSide, THREE.BackSide, THREE.DoubleSide | FrontSide | Specifies side for the material, as String. Options are "FrontSide", "BackSide", "DoubleSide". Defaults to "THREE.FrontSide". |
Here is an example of how you can pass these props. If you pass any of those props, the default values will be overwritten.
const holographicMaterial = new HolographicMaterial({
fresnelAmount: 0.2,
fresnelOpacity: 0.15,
hologramBrightness: 0.7,
scanlineSize: 6,
signalSpeed: 2.3,
hologramColor: "#ff0000",
hologramOpacity: 1.0,
blinkFresnelOnly: true,
enableBlinking: true,
enableAdditive: true,
side: THREE.FrontSide,
You can also use dat.GUI to create a panel, like in the demo, so you can tweak the parameters live.
// Add dat.GUI controls
const gui = new dat.GUI();
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'fresnelAmount', 0.0, 1.0).name('Fresnel Amount');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'fresnelOpacity', 0.0, 1.0).name('Fresnel Opacity');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'scanlineSize', 1.0, 15.0).name('Scanline Size');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'hologramBrightness', 0.0, 2.0).name('Hologram Brightness');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'signalSpeed', 0.0, 2.0).name('Signal Speed');
gui.addColor(holographicMaterial, 'hologramColor').name('Hologram Color');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'enableBlinking').name('Enable Blinking');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'blinkFresnelOnly').name('Blink Fresnel Only');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'hologramOpacity', 0.0, 1.0).name('Hologram Opacity');
gui.add(holographicMaterial, 'enableAdditive').name('Enable Additive');
This component is an open-source creation released under the (MIT) license. While you're free to integrate and innovate with it, I would genuinely appreciate knowing when this HolographicMaterial component sparks creativity in your projects!
Resources: Threejs, WebGL, Poimanders post processing
Would be really appreciated if you are willing to give me a star here on GitHub 🎉 or buy me a coffee ☕ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/andersonmancini. The money will be used to produce more content about threejs or to buy new courses.