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Voice Recognition V3 (WIP)


  • Recognize maximum 7 voice commands at same time
  • Store maximum 255 records of voice
  • Group control and external group select pin
  • Auto load records when power on
  • Signature function, help to make out voice record
  • LED indicate



  • recognizer -- core part of voice recognition module
  • recognizer index -- Each VoiceRecognitionModule support 7 voice command, recognizer has 7 region for each voice command, one index corresponds to one region
  • train -- let VoiceRecognitionModule record your voice command
  • load -- copy trained voice to recognizer of VoiceRecognitionModule
  • record -- the trained voice command store in flash, number from 0 to 79
  • signature -- alias for record
  • group -- help to manage records, each group 7 records. System group and user group are supported.

Quick Start



  1. Connect your Voice Recognition V3 Module with Arduino, By Default:

  2. Download VoiceRecognitionV3 library.(download zip file or use git clone command)

  3. When use zip format file, extract to Arduino Sketch\libraries folder, or if you use git clone command copy VoiceRecognitionV3 to Arduino Sketch\libraries .

  4. Open vr_sample_train(File -> Examples -> VoiceRecognitionV3 -> vr_sample_train)

  5. Choose right Arduino board(Tool -> Board, UNO recommended), Choose right serial port.

  6. Click Upload button, wait until Arduino is uploaded.

  7. Open Serial Monitor. Set baud rate 115200, set send with Newline or Both NL & CR.

  8. Send command settings(case insensitive) to check Voice Recognition Module settings. Input settings, and hit Enter to send.
    input input

  9. Train Voice Recognition Module. Send sigtrain 0 On command to train record 0 with signature "On". When Serial Monitor prints "Speak now", you need speak your voice(can be any word, meaningful word recommended, may be 'On' here), and when Serial Monitor prints "Speak again", you need repeat your voice again. If these two voice are matched, Serial Monitor prints "Success", and "record 0" is trained, or if are not matched, repeat speaking until success.
    When training, the two led on the Voice Recognition Module can benefit your training process. After send train command, the SYS_LED is blinking which remind you to be ready, then speak your voice as soon as the STATUS_LED lights on, the record finishes once when the STATUS_LED lights off. Then the SYS_LED is blinking again, these status repeated, when the training is successful, SYS_LED and STATUS_LED blink together, if training is failed SYS_LED and STATUS_LED blink together quickly.

  10. Train another record. Send sigtrain 1 Off command to train record 1 with signature "Off". Choose your favorite words to train (it can be any word, meaningful word recommended, may be 'Off' here).

  11. Send load 0 1 command to load voice. And say your word to see if the Voice Recognition Module can recognize your words.

    If the voice is recognized, you can see.

  12. Train finish. Train sample also support several other commands.


Control LED Sample

  1. Open vr_sample_control_led(File -> Examples -> VoiceRecognitionV3 -> vr_sample_control_led)
  2. Choose right Arduino board(Tool -> Board, UNO recommended), Choose right serial port.
  3. Click Upload button, wait until Arduino is uploaded.
  4. Open Serial Monitor. Set baud rate 115200.
  5. Say your trained voice to control the LED on Arduino UNO board. When record 0 is recognized, the led turns on. When record 1 is recognized, the led turns off.
  6. Control led finish.



See Train for more information.


See Control LED for more information.


Use this sample to know the command of VoiceRecognition Module. Details about command, see Protocol . You must do not input Frame Head, Frame Length, Frame End, only need input Frame Command and Frame Data. For example, Check Recognizer Command is "AA 02 01 0A" for all, here you only need input 01.


  1. Enable Arduino Serial monitor "Send with newline" feture, Baud rate 115200.
  2. Input "01" to "check recognizer".
  3. input "31" to "clear recognizer"
  4. input "30 00 02 04" to "load record 0, record 2, record 4"

bridge bridge


This sample shows how to use multi commands(Break 7 voice command limits),this sample use RECORD 0 to switch between the 2 command 'groups'(not Voice Recognition Group Function), first group is made up of record 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,* and second group is made up of record 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 .

Note: Before start this sample, you need train your Voice Recognition module first, and make sure that all records from 0 to 12 should be trained.


This sample is used to check the baud rate, when you forgot your custom settings.



The simplest way to play the Voice Recognition V3 module is to use this VoiceRecognition Arduino library. But for many hackers, this is far from enough, so we supply this protocol by which user can communicate with the Voice Recognition V3 module.

Base Format


| Head (0AAH) | Length| Command | Data | End (0AH) |
Length = L(Length + Command + Data)


| Head (0AAH) | Length| Command | Data | End (0AH) |
Length = L(Length + Command + Data)

NOTE: Data area is different with different with commands.



AA --> Frame Head
0A --> Frame End

00 --> Check System Settings
01 --> [Check Recognizer][id01]
02 --> [Check Record Train Status][id02]
03 --> [Check Signature of One Record][id03]

10 --> [Restore System Settings][id10]
11 --> [Set Baud Rate][id11]
12 --> [Set Output IO Mode][id12]
13 --> [Set Output IO Pulse Width][id13]
14 --> [Reset Output IO][id14]
15 --> [Set Power On Auto Load][id15]

20 --> [Train One Record or Records][id20]
21 --> [Train One Record and Set Signature][id21]
22 --> [Set Signature for Record][id22]

30 --> [Load a Record or Records to Recognizer][id30]
31 --> [Clear Recognizer][id31]
32 --> [Group Control][id32]

0A --> [Prompt][id0a]
0D --> [Voice Recognized][id0d]
FF --> [Error][idff]


Check System Settings (00)

Use "Check System Settings" command to check current settings of Voice Recognition Module, include serial baud rate, output IO mode, output IO pulse width, auto load and group function.
| AA | 02 | 00 | 0A |
| AA | 08 | 00 | STA | BR | IOM | IOPW | AL | GRP | 0A |
STA : Trained status (0-untrained 1-trained FF-record value out of range)
BR: Baud rate (0,3-9600 1-2400 2-4800 4-19200 5-38400)
IOM: Outpu IO Mode (0-Pulse 1-Toggle 2-Clear 3-Set)
IOPW: Outpu IO Pulse Width(Pulse Mode) (1~15)
AL: Power on auto load (0-disable 1-enable)
GRP: Group control by external IO (0-disable 1-system group 2-user group)

Back to index [id01]: #check-recognizer-01

Check Recognizer (01)

Use "Check Recognizer" command to check recognizer of Voice Recognition Module.
| AA | 02 | 01 | 0A |
| AA | 0D | 01 | RVN | VRI0 | VRI1 | VRI2 | VRI3 | VRI4 | VRI5 | VRI6 | RTN | VRMAP | GRPM | 0A |
RVN: number of valid records in recognizer. (MAX 7)
VRIn(n=06): Record which is in recognizer, n is recognizer index value
RTN: number of total records in recognizer.
VRMAP: valid record bit map for VRI0
GRPM: group mode indicate. (FF-not in group mode 000A-system group 8087-user group mode)

Back to index [id02]: #check-record-train-status-02

Check Record Train Status (02)

Use "Check Record Train Status" command to check if the record is trained.
Check all records
| AA | 03 | 02 | FF| 0A |
Check specified records
| AA | 03+n | 02 | R0 | ... | Rn | 0A |
| AA | 5+2*n | 02 | N | R0 | STA | ... | Rn | STA | 0A |
N: number of trained records.
R0 ~ Rn: record.
STA : trained status (0-untrained 1-trained FF-record value out of range)

Back to index [id03]: #check-signature-of-one-record-03

Check Signature of One Record (03)

Use this command to check the signature of one record.
| AA | 03 | 03 | Record | 0A |
| AA | 03 | 03 | Record | SIGLEN | SIGNATURE | 0A |
SIGLEN: signature string length
SIGNATURE: signature string

Back to index [id10]: #restore-system-settings-10

Restore System Settings (10)

Use this command to restore settings of Voice Recognition Module to default.
| AA | 02 | 10 | 0A |
| AA | 03 | 10 | 00 | 0A |

Back to index [id11]: #set-baud-rate-11

Set Baud Rate (11)

Use this command to set baud rate of Voice Recognition Module, effect after Voice Recognition Module is restarted.
| AA | 03 | 11 | BR | 0A |
| AA | 03 | 11 | 00 | 0A |
BR: Serial baud rate.(0-9600 1-2400 2-4800 3-9600 4-19200 5-38400)

Back to index [id12]: #set-output-io-mode-12

Set Output IO Mode (12)

Use this command to set output IO mode of Voice Recognition Module, take effect immediately after the instruction execution.
| AA | 03 | 12 | MODE | 0A |
| AA | 03 | 12 | 00 | 0A |
MODE: Output IO mode.(0-pulse mode 1-Toggle 2-Set 3-Clear)

Back to index [id13]: #set-output-io-pulse-width-13

Set Output IO Pulse Width (13)

Use this command to set output IO pulse width of Voice Recognition Module, take effect immediately after the instruction execution. Pulse width is used when output IO mode is "Pulse".
| AA | 03 | 13 | LEVEL | 0A |
| AA | 03 | 13 | 00 | 0A |
LEVEL: pulse width level. Details:

- 00            10ms
- 01 	 		15ms
- 02 	 		20ms
- 03 	 		25ms
- 04 	 		30ms
- 05 	 		35ms
- 06 	 		40ms
- 07 	 		45ms
- 08 	 		50ms
- 09 	 		75ms
- 0A 	 		100ms
- 0B 	 		200ms
- 0C 	 		300ms
- 0D 	 		400ms
- 0E 	 		500ms
- 0F            1s

Back to index [id14]: #reset-output-io-14

Reset Output IO (14)

Use this command to reset output IO. This command can be used in output IO set/clear mode to generate a user-defined pulse.
| AA| 03 | 14 | FF | 0A | (reset all output io)
| AA| 03+n | 14 | IO0 | ... | IOn | 0A | (reset output ios)
| AA | 03 | 14 | 00 | 0A |
IOn: number of output io

Back to index [id15]: #set-power-on-auto-load-15

Set Power On Auto Load (15)

Use this command to enable or disable "Power On Auto Load" function.
| AA| 03 | 15 | 00 | 0A | (disable auto load)
| AA| 03+n | 15 | BITMAP | R0 | ... | Rn | 0A | (set auto load)
| AA| 04+n | 15 | 00 |BITMAP | R0 | ... | Rn | 0A | (set auto load)
BITMAP: Record bitmap.( 0-zero record, disable auto load 01-one record 03-two records 07-three records 0F-four records 1F-five records 3F-six record 7F-seven records )
R0~Rn: Record

Back to index [id20]: #train-one-record-or-records-20

Train One Record or Records (20)

Train records, can train several records one time.
| AA| 03+n | 20 | R0 | ... | Rn | 0A |
| AA| LEN | 0A | RECORD | PROMPT | 0A |
| AA| 05+2*n | 20 | N | R0 | STA0 | ... | Rn | STAn | SIG | 0A |
SIG: signature string
PROMPT: prompt string
Rn: Record
STA: train result(0-Success 1-Timeout 2-Record value out of range)
N: number of train success

Back to index [id21]: #train-one-record-and-set-signature-21

Train One Record and Set Signature (21)

Train one record and set a signature for it, one record one time.
| AA| 03+SIGLEN | 21 | RECORD | SIG | 0A | (Set signature)
| AA| LEN | 0A | RECORD | PROMPT | 0A | (train prompt)
| AA| 05+SIGLEN | 21 | N | RECORD | STA | SIG | 0A |
SIG: signature string
PROMPT: prompt string
STA: train result(0-Success 1-Timeout 2-Record value out of range)
N: number of train success

Back to index [id22]: #set-signature-for-record-22

Set Signature for Record (22)

Set a signature for a record, one record one time.
| AA | 03+SIGLEN | 22 | RECORD | SIG | 0A | (Set signature)
| AA | 03 | 22 | RECORD | 0A | (Delete signature)
| AA | 04+SIGLEN | 22 | 00 | RECORD | SIG | 0A | (Set signature return)
| AA | 04 | 22 | 00 | RECORD | 0A | (Delete signature return)
SIG: signature string
SIGLEN: signature string length

Back to index [id30]: #load-a-record-or-records-to-recognizer-30

Load a Record or Records to Recognizer (30)

Load records(17) to recognizer of Voice Recognition Module, after execution the Voice Recognition Module start to recognize immediately.
| AA| 2+n | 30 | R0 | ... | Rn | 0A |
| AA| 2+n | 30 | N | R0 | STA0 | ... | Rn | STAn | 0A |
N: number of loading successfully R0
Rn: Record STA0~STAn: Load result.(0-Success FF-Record value out of range FE-Record untrained FD-Recognizer full FC-Record already in recognizer)

Back to index [id31]: #clear-recognizer-31

Clear Recognizer (31)

Stop recognizing, and empty recognizer of Voice Recognition Module. Format:
| AA | 02 | 31 | 0A |
| AA | 03 | 31 | 00 | 0A |

Back to index [id32]: #group-control-32

Group Control (32)

Group select

Set group control mode(disable, system, user), if group control function is enabled(system or user), then voice recognition module is controlled by the external control IO.
| AA| 04 | 32 | 00 | MODE | 0A |
MODE: new group control mode. (00-disable 01-system 02-user FF-check)
| AA| 03 | 32 | 00 | 0A |
| AA| 05 | 32 | 00 | FF | MODE | 0A | (check command return)

Set user group

Set user group content(record).
| AA| 03 | 32 | 01 | UGRP | 0A | (Delete UGRP)
| AA| LEN | 32 | 01 | UGRP | R0 | ... | Rn | 0A | (Set UGRP)
UGRP: user group number
R0~Rn: record index number (n=0,1,...,6)
| AA| 03 | 32 | 00 | 0A | (Success return)

Load system group

Load system group to recognizer, this command would clear recognizer.
| AA| 04 | 32 | 02 | SGRP | 0A |
| AA| 04 | 32 | SGRP | VRI0 | VRI1 | VRI2 | VRI3 | VRI4 | VRI5 | VRI6 | RTN | VRMAP | GRPM | 0A |
SGRP: System group number.
VRIn(n=06): Record which is in recognizer, n is recognizer index value
RTN: number of total records in recognizer.
VRMAP: valid record bit map for VRI0
GRPM: group mode indicate. (00~0A-system group)

Load user group

Load user group to recognizer, this command would clear recognizer.
| AA| 04 | 32 | 03 | UGRP | 0A |
| AA| 04 | 32 | UGRP | VRI0 | VRI1 | VRI2 | VRI3 | VRI4 | VRI5 | VRI6 | RTN | VRMAP | GRPM | | 0A |
UGRP: System group number.
VRIn(n=06): Record which is in recognizer, n is recognizer index value
RTN: number of total records in recognizer.
VRMAP: valid record bit map for VRI0
GRPM: group mode indicate. (00~0A-system group)

Check user group

Check user group content.
| AA| 04 | 32 | 04 | 0A | (check all user group)
| AA| 04 | 32 | 04 | UGRP0| ... | UGRPn | 0A | (check user group)
| AA | 0A | 32 | UGRP | R0 | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | 0A |
UGRP: User group number.
R0~R6: Any record.

Back to index [id0a]: #prompt-0a

Prompt (0A)

Prompt command is only used for Voice Recognition Module to return data when user train voice command.
| AA | 07 | 0A | RECORD | PROMPT | 0A |
RECORD: record which is in training
PROMPT: prompt string

Back to index [id0d]: #voice-recognized-0d

Voice Recognized (0D)

Voice Recognized command is only used for Voice Recognition Module to return data when voice is recognized.
| AA | 07 | 0D | 00 | GRPM | R | RI | SIGLEN | SIG | 0A |
GRPM: group mode indicate. (FF-not in group mode 000A-system group mode 8087-user group mode)
R: record which is recognized.
RI: recognizer index value for recognized record.
SIGLEN: signature length of the recognized record, 0 means on signature, on SIG area
SIG: signature content

Back to index [idff]: #error-ff

Error (FF)

Error command is only used for Voice Recognition Module to return error status.
| AA | 03 | FF | ECODE | 0A |

ECODE: error code (FF-command undefined FE-command length error FD-data error FC-subcommand error FB-command usage error)

Back to index

Library Reference

See VoiceRecognitionV3.cpp or libref.pdf to get more information.




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