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Tweaks v0.6.1 - ending cutscenes restoration

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@emoose emoose released this 18 Sep 19:16
· 110 commits to master since this release

Tired of your ending cutscenes looking drab and off-model? Ever wondered why the colors seem so wrong? Feeling intense jealousy to console players who seem to have much better looking cutscenes?
Well Tweaks 0.6.1 is the fix for you! Our patent-pending-patches can have your ending cutscenes go from this weird mess:

To something that actually looks like the original:

In fact if you download Tweaks 0.6.1 today we won't just improve the cutscene models, we'll even improve the driving models too!
(The game had included higher-quality driver/passenger models since the beginning, which were all left unused - until now!)

While we're at it, we'll also throw in some improved particle rendering, and even the original JP Clarissa ending cutscenes, why not?

Downloads can be found under "Assets" below, see the Setup section for how to install it.

Texture packs & other asset mods can be found in the texture packs thread: #20

The SoundtrackFix package is linked in the Setup section below.

Online services have also been recreated for PC/PS2/PSP, see the online thread for more info: #74


See README for the full list of bugfixes/enhancements:


v0.6.1 changelog:

  • FixIncorrectShading: fixes incorrect shading of ending characters along with some stage objects/models
  • UseHiDefCharacters: allows Alberto/Jennifer/Clarissa to use higher-quality driver/passenger models (thanks @Tenome for pointing them out!)
  • RestoreJPClarissa: now restores the original ending cutscene model for Clarissa in addition to the passenger model
  • FixParticleRendering: fixes rendering of grass/gravel particles to let them display properly, plus firework particles at the end of Metropolis
  • PlaySegaJingle: can play SEGA chant at startup if Sound/sega441.flac file exists (see FLAC provided by @Tenome at #129 (comment))
  • FramerateUnlock: fixed car flashing speed changing based on FPS, should now always match 60FPS speed
  • AllowCharacterSelection: allows selecting character model from Edit License screen, if enabled (alternate char models currently have many issues though, see INI for more info)
  • TextureExtract: now includes index of the texture in the dumped filename, eg, could help with dealing with 2D texture anims (old filenames will still work fine)
  • EnableHollyCourse2: fix crash issue in debug builds, may improve stability in release builds
  • ControllerHotPlug: disabled by default as it could cause issues with some setups, feel free to re-enable if you often forget to turn controller on before playing (like me)

v0.6 changelog:

  • EnableHollyCourse2: allows Holly "MIX 2 COURSE" to be selected & played
  • SteeringDeadZone: allows overriding the games 20% steering deadzone
  • SaveGame: will now create SaveGame folder if it doesn't exist, preventing some issues with saves not being written
  • DefaultManualTransmission: allows setting MT as the default selection in C2C menus

Vibration has been disabled by default since 0.4.2 due to issues with bluetooth controller lag - if you're using a different connection type feel free to re-enable it in the INI.

Since 0.5 UIScalingMode = 1 is now the default, which will prevent the game UI from stretching when playing at non-4:3 screen ratios.
Note that game menus will draw at letterboxed 4:3 in this mode, but in-game will draw at your proper screen ratio.


Since the Steam & DVD releases are packed with ancient DRM that doesn't play well with DLL wrappers, this pack includes a replacement game EXE to run the game with.

This EXE should be compatible with both the Steam release & the original DVD version, along with most OR2006 mods.

To set it up:

  • Extract the files from the release ZIP into your Outrun2006 Coast 2 Coast folder, where OR2006C2C.EXE is located, replacing the original EXE.
  • Edit OutRun2006Tweaks.ini to customize the tweaks to your liking (by default all tweaks are enabled, other than CDSwitcher)
  • Important: Install the latest x86 VC redist from (, a redist from 2024 is needed for Tweaks to launch correctly (even if you already have it installed please try installing it again)
  • Run the game, your desktop resolution will be used by default if outrun2006.ini file isn't present.
  • (optional) the SoundtrackFix package can be applied to fix the missing first 2 seconds in "Rush a Difficulty"
  • (optional) texture improvements can be found in the texture pack releases thread (please feel free to create your own too!): #20

Steam Deck/Linux users may need to run the game with WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% launch parameters for the mod to load in.

Fresh Windows installs may need to install the DirectX runtime for the game to run correctly:

Known issues

  • Older VC redistributable versions may cause a crash on launch, if you're unable to launch the game try installing the latest x86 redistributable from here:
  • UIScaling: "Special request" arrow may stick on-screen when UIScalingMode = 1 (this matches the Online Arcade port, but a fix is still desirable)
  • UIScaling: Markers above rival cars like 1st/2nd/3rd/"Rival" won't reach edges of screen, will only stay within centered 4:3
  • DrawDistanceIncrease: high values can cause LOD models to appear in place of the actual track models, sometimes causing track to disappear entirely - value 8 or below is recommended.
  • Some wheels might fail to register properly, changing ControllerHotPlug to false in INI may help with those
  • Bluetooth controllers may cause game stutters when VibrationMode is enabled, only solution right now is to disable vibration with VibrationMode = 0