python [prepid in mcm]
This script currently checks for the following to give an OK, WARNING, or ERROR:
- if time per event > 150 seconds
- if CMSSW version is not 10_2 and 9_3 and 7_1
- total number of events > 100000000
- powheg+pythia sample contains Pythia8PowhegEmissionVetoSettings - warning to check whether it is a loop induced process
- if CP5 tune is used but campaign is not Fall18 or Fall17
- if Fall18 campaing but no parton shower weights configuration in the fragment
- [ERROR] Gridpack should have used cvmfs path instead of eos path
- [ERROR] May be wrong fragment: powheg/madgraph/mcatnlo in dataset name but settings in fragment not correct or vice versa"
- [ERROR] Tune configuration wrong in the fragment"
- [ERROR] Parton shower weight configuretion not OK in the fragment"
The script also checks if there is no fragment there is a hadronizer used.