This repository contains extensions to the Upgrade Assistant tool specific to Optimizely scenarios.
These extensions expand the upgrade-assistant tools's functionality to make Optimizely-specific changes during upgrade.
Install the latest version of the upgrade-assistant dotnet tool install -g upgrade-assistant
or upgrade dotnet tool update -g upgrade-assistant
Grab the latest release from here and unzip the file to a location of your computer (ex C:\temp\epi.source.updater). Technically you should be able to point the zip file instead of extracting but there seems to be a bug in upgrade-assistant at the moment for that.
The recomendation is upgrade the solution to latest target framework version net6.0. If for some reason you will upgrade the solution to net5.0 please follow the following instructions:
set DefaultTargetFrameworks__LTS=net5.0
then run upgrade-assistant with flag --target-tfm-support LTS, like:
upgrade-assistant upgrade {projectName}.csproj --extension "{extensionPath}" --ignore-unsupported-features --target-tfm-support LTS
If there is a packages.config file under projectpath\module\_protected\ then you need to remove it before start upgrading.
If you have used ASPNET Identity and after migration you are not able to login or get exception like "SqlException: Invalid column name 'NormalizedUserName'.", 'ConcurrencyStamp', 'LockoutEnd', 'NormalizedEmail' or missing 'AspNetRoleClaims' table, the reason is the schema between ASPNET Identity versions has been changed and the resource doesn't exist in the db. Please run the migrate MigrateAspnetIdentity.sql script file under database folder. (OBS: we recommend to take a backup of database before perform the script).
The extensions are not yet supported in the latest .NET Upgrade Assistant (≥0.5.2). For more info: See this issue. Workaround: Use the Legacy .NET Upgrade Assistant.