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Security: equinor/ecalc

Security Policy

Security is very important for eCalc™ and Equinor 🔒

Learn more about it below. 👇

Vulnerability scanning

We scan our code in GitHub Actions using Snyk and Pre-commit to ensure code quality and identify third party vulnerabilities. The pipelines are continuously monitored by our developers to ensure that eCalc™ meets the strict security requirements of Equinor.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you think you have found a security vulnerability in our open source project, we encourage you to report it to us as soon as possible. We take all security vulnerabilities seriously and will investigate all reports promptly.

Report discretely to the maintainers of this repo by visiting the Security tab on the project page, and report from there.

For less critical and potential security vulnerabilities, please open an GitHub Issue with the label security with relevant information.

Thanks for your help!

The developers and the community thank you for that. 🙇

There aren’t any published security advisories