A ROS package to read data from the IMU using the Imu.msg message. Quaternion calculation is unfinished so don't take it as a reference.
The package consists of a talker in python and a listener in c++. The talker reads data while the listener prints it. The listener also converts Quaternions to Euler angles.
The IMU message is taken form the 'sensor_msgs' package, so you should import the package to your workspace. You can find that here.
# Within a catkin directory
cd src
git clone https://github.com/erlerobot/ros_erle_imu
cd ..
catkin_make_isolated --pkg ros_erle_imu
sudo -s # you'll need privileges since we're accessing spi
source devel/setup.bash
rosrun ros_erle_imu imu_talker
If you have problems to execute the talker (imu.py), try executing it as root.
Test it by typing the following in a different terminal:
rostopic echo imu
rosrun ros_erle_imu imu_listener
Erle-Brain 2 Supported
rosrun ros_erle_imu visualization.py