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Archipelago Deployment Live

A Cloud / Local production ready Archipelago Deployment using Docker and soon Kubernetes.

What is this repo for?

Running Archipelago Commons on a live public instance using SSL with Blob/Object Storage backend

  • Cloud-based deployment, e.g. AWS/Azure under Linux
  • Self-managed servers running Linux
  • x86/AMD86 or ARM64/v8 CPU architectures

What is this repo not for?


Minimal (not recommended for production)

  • 4 Gbytes of RAM (e.g AWS EC2 t3.medium) 2 CPUs, Single SSD Drive of 100 Gbytes

Base line for production

  • 8 Gbytes of RAM (AWS EC2 t3.medium) 2 CPUs, Single SSD Drive of 100 Gbytes, optional: one magnetic Drive of 500 Gbytes for Caches/Temp files/Backups.

Recommended for production

  • 16 Gbytes of RAM (AWS EC2 m6g.xlarge - Graviton) 4 CPUs, Single SSD Drive of 200 Gbytes, optional: one magnetic Drive of 1TB for Caches/Temp files/Backups.


  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS /Ubuntu 24.04 LTS/Amazon Linux 2023/Debian 10 "Buster" matching your CPU architecture (of course)
  • Most recent Docker running as a service and docker-compose or docker compose

Skills and the important human aspect

  • Basic Unix/Linux terminal skills and a root/sudo account
  • Docker basics knowledge and how to manage packages in your System
  • Knowledge of how to manage AWS/Azure or any other cloud-based provider for Computing Instances and S3 compatible Object Storage system and the associated permissions credentials to do so.
  • To be patient. Please read everything. Do not skip steps. Do not only copy and paste commands. Explanations give context and might help you troubleshoot issues.

Basically this guide is meant for humans with basic to medium DevOps background or humans with patience that are willing to troubleshoot, ask, and try again when that background is not (yet) enough. And we are here to help.

Deployment on Linux/X86/AMD system

Step 1:

Deploy your base system

Make sure your Firewall/AWS Security group has these ports open for everyone to access

  • 443 (NGINX SSL)
  • 80 (NGINX HTTP) And protected/modally open for your own development/testing/administration
  • 8183 (Cantaloupe)
  • 8983 (Solr)
  • 6400 (NLP64)
  • 9001 (Minio)
  • 22 (so you can ssh into your machine)

Setup your system using your favorite package manager with

e.g. for Amazon Linux 2023 (x86/amd64) these steps are tested:

sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install -y docker
sudo service docker start
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
sudo chkconfig docker on
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo yum install -y git htop tree jq perl-JSON-PP
sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose
sudo reboot

Reboot is needed to allow Docker to take full control over your OS resources.

Step 2:

In your location of choice clone this repo

git clone
cd archipelago-deployment-live
git checkout 1.4.0

Step 3. Setup your enviromental variables for Docker/Services

Setup Enviromentals

Setup your deployment enviromental variables by copying the template

cp deploy/ec2-docker/.env.template deploy/ec2-docker/.env

and editing it

nano deploy/ec2-docker/.env

The content of that file would be similar to this. Note: There are a few extra commented lines at the end only used for: if you decide to go that way.

ARCHIPELAGO_EMAIL=[email protected]

What does each key mean?

  • ARCHIPELAGO_ROOT: the absolute path to your archipelago-deployment-live git repo in your host machine.
  • ARCHIPELAGO_EMAIL: a valid email, will be used to register your SSL Certificate via Certbot.
  • ARCHIPELAGO_DOMAIN: a valid domain name for your repository. This domain will be also used to request your SSL Certificate via Certbot.
  • MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: If you are running a Cloud Service backed S3/Azure Storage this needs to be generated there. The user/IAM owner of this ACCESS KEY needs to have access to read/write the bucket you will configure in this same .env. If running local whatever you set will be used.
  • MINIO_SECRET_KEY: If you are running a Cloud Service backed S3/Azure Storage this needs to generated there. The user/IAM owner of the matching SECRET_KEY needs to have access to read/write the bucket you will configure in this same .env file. If running local whatever you set will be used.
  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: The MYSQL 8 or Mariadb 15 password. This password will be used later also during Drupal deployment via drush
  • MINIO_BUCKET_MEDIA: The name of your Persistant Storage Bucket. If using local we recommend keeping it simple, e.g. archipelago.
  • MINIO_FOLDER_PREFIX_MEDIA: The folder (a prefix really) where your DO Storage and File storage will go inside the MINIO_BUCKET_MEDIA Bucket. media/ is a fine name for this one and common in archipelago deployments. IMPORTANT: Always terminate these with a /.
  • MINIO_BUCKET_CACHE: The name of your IIIF Cache storage Bucket. May be the same as MINIO_BUCKET_MEDIA. If different make sure your your MINIO_ACCESS_KEY and/or IAM role ACL have permission to read write to this one too.
  • MINIO_FOLDER_PREFIX_CACHE: The folder (a prefix really) where Cantaloupe will/can write its iiif caches. iiifcache/ is a lovely name we use a lot. IMPORTANT: Always terminate these with a /.
  • REDIS_PASSWORD: Password for your REDIS (Drupal Cache/Queue storage) if you decide to enable the Drupal REDIS module.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For AWS EC2. If you selected an IAM role for your server when setting it up/deploying it, will use the AWS EC2-backed internal API to request access to your S3. This means the ROLE itself needs to have read/write access (ACL) to the given Bucket(s) and your key/secrets won't be able to override that. Please do not ignore this note. It will save you a LOT of frustration and coffee. You can also run an EC2 instace without a given IAM and in that case just the ACCESS_KEY/SECRET will matter.

Now that you know, you also know that these values should not be shared and this .env file should not be committed/kept in version control. Please be careful.

docker-compose will read this .env and start all services for you based on its content.

Once you have modified this you are ready for your first big decision.

Running a fully qualified domain you wish a valid/signed certificate for AMD/INTEL Architecture?

This means you will use the docker-compose-aws-s3.yml. Do the following:

cp deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose-aws-s3.yml deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose.yml

Running a fully qualified domain you wish a valid/signed certificate for ARM64/Apple M1 Architecture?

This means you will use the docker-compose-aws-s3-arm64.yml. Do the following:

cp deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose-aws-s3-arm64.yml deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose.yml

OR Running self-signed? (optional and does not apply to ARM64/Apple M1 Architecture):

Only if you are not running a fully qualified domain you wish a valid/signed. We really DO not recommend this route. IF you plan on using this deployment for local testing or running on non SSL please go for which delivers the same experience in less than 20 minutes deployment time.

Generate a self signed Cert

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout data_storage/selfcert/private/nginx.key -out data_storage/selfcert/certs/nginx.crt 
sudo openssl dhparam -out data_storage/selfcert/dhparam.pem 4096
cp deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose-selfsigned.yml deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose.yml

Note: Self signed docker-compose.yml file is setup to use with local storage

      - ${ARCHIPELAGO_ROOT}/data_storage/minio-data:/data:cached

This folder will be created by If you are using a secondary Drive (e.g. magnetic) you can modify your deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose.yml to use a folder there, e.g.

      - /persistentinotherdrive/data_storage/minio-data:/data:cached

Make sure your logged in user can read/write to it.

NOTE: If you want to use AWS S3 storage for the self signed version replace the minio Service yaml block with this Service Block in your new deploy/ec2-docker/docker-compose.yml. You can mix and match services and even remove all :cached statements for improved R/W volumen performance.

Step 4. First Run

First Permissions

sudo chown 8183:8183 config_storage/iiifconfig/
sudo chown -R 8183:8183 data_storage/iiifcache
sudo chown -R 8183:8183 data_storage/iiiftmp
sudo chown -R 8983:8983 data_storage/solrcore

Actual first run

Time to spin our docker containers for the first time. We will start all without going into background so log/error checking is easier, especially if you have selected a Valid/Signed Cert choice and also want to be sure S3 keys/access are working.

cd deploy/ec2-docker
docker-compose up

You will see a lot of things happening. Check for errors/problems/clear alerts and give all a minute or so to start. Ok, let's assume your setup managed to request a valid signed SSL cert, you will see a nice message!

- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:XXXXX
   Your certificate will expire on 20XX-XX-XX. To obtain a new or
   tweaked version of this certificate in the future, simply run
   certbot again. To non-interactively renew *all* of your
   certificates, run "certbot renew"

Archipelago will do that for you whenever it's about to expire so no need to deal with this manually, even when docker-compose restarts.

Now press CTRL+C. docker-compose will shutdown gracefully. Good!

Step 5. Deploy Drupal 10

Composer and Drupal

Copy the shipped default composer.default.json to composer.json and composer.default.lock to composer.lock (ONLY if you are installing from scratch):

cp ../../drupal/composer.default.json ../../drupal/composer.json
cp ../../drupal/composer.default.lock ../../drupal/composer.lock

Start Docker again

docker-compose up -d

Wait a few seconds and run:

docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c "chown -R www-data:www-data private"
docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c "chown -R www-data:www-data web/sites"
docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c "composer install"

Composer install will take a little while and bring all your PHP libraries.

Once done, execute our setup script that will prepare your Drupal settings.php and bring some of the .env enviromental variables to the Drupal environment.

docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c 'scripts/archipelago/'

And now you can deploy Drupal!

IMPORTANT: Make sure you replace in the following command inside root:MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD string with the value you used/assigned in your .env file for MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD. And replace ADMIN_PASSWORD with a password that is safe and you won't forget! That passwords is for your Drupal super user (uid:0).

docker exec -ti -u www-data esmero-php bash -c "cd web;../vendor/bin/drush -y si --verbose --existing-config --db-url=mysql://root:MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD@esmero-db/drupal --account-name=admin --account-pass=ADMIN_PASSWORD -r=/var/www/html/web --sites-subdir=default --notify=false;drush cr;chown -R www-data:www-data sites;"

Step 6. Users and initial Content.

After installation is done (may take a few) you can install initial users and assign them roles. Copy each line separately. A missing permission will not let you ingest the initial Metadata Displays and AMI set.

docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c 'drush ucrt demo --password="demo"; drush urol metadata_pro "demo"'
docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c 'drush ucrt jsonapi --password="jsonapi"; drush urol metadata_api "jsonapi"'
docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c 'drush urol administrator "admin"'

Before ingesting the base content we need to make sure we can access your JSON-API on for your new domain. That means we need to change internal urls (https://esmero-web) to the new valid SSL driven ones. This is easy:

On your host machine (no need to docker exec these ones), replace first in the following command with the domain you setup in your .env file. Go to (cd into) your base git clone folder (Important: YOUR BASE CLONE FOLDER) and then run

 sed -i 's/http:\/\/esmero-web/https:\/\/' drupal/scripts/archipelago/
 sed -i 's/http:\/\/esmero-web/https:\/\/' drupal/scripts/archipelago/

Now your and are update and ready. Let's ingest some Twig Templates, an AMI Set, menus and a Blocks.

docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c 'scripts/archipelago/'

IMPORTANT: is not needed when deploying for the first time and totally discouraged on a customized Archipelago. If you make modifications to your Twig templates, that command will replace the ones shipped by us with fresh copies overwriting all your modifications. Only run to restore larger errors or when needing to update everything ones with newer versions and you don't care for your own customization. Please read for more ways of managing exporting/importing Metadata Display Entities (Twig templates).

Step 7. Set your public IIIF server URL to your actual domain

By default archipelago ships with a public facing and an internal facing IIIF Server URLs configured. These urls are used by a number of IIIF enabled viewers and need to be changed to reflect your new reality (a real Domain name and a proxied path!). These settings belong to the strawberryfield/format_strawberryfield module.

First check your current settings:

docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c "drush config-get format_strawberryfield.iiif_settings"

You will see the following:

pub_server_url: 'http://localhost:8183/iiif/2'
int_server_url: 'http://esmero-cantaloupe:8182/iiif/2'

Let's modify pub_server_url. Replace in the following command with the domain you defined in your .env file. NOTE: We are passing the -y flag to drush avoid that way having to answer "yes".

docker exec -ti esmero-php bash -c "drush config-set -y format_strawberryfield.iiif_settings pub_server_url"

Finally Done! Now you can log into your new Archipelago using https and start exploring. Thank you for following this guide!

Deployment on ARM64/v8(Graviton, Apple M1) system:

This applies to AWS m6g and t3g Instances and is documented inline in this guide. Please open an ISSUE in this repository if you run into any problems. Please review for more info.

How do I know my Architecture?


uname -m 
  • For an x86(64 bit) processor system output will be x86_64
  • For an ARM(64 bit) processor system output will be aarch64

Caring & Coding + Fixing + Testing


This software is a Metropolitan New York Library Council Open-Source initiative and part of the Archipelago Commons project.




A Cloud / Local production ready Archipelago Deployment using Docker / Kubernetes







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