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How-to build

Specify the following parameters when building :

Option Description
TARGET Compile for hardware (hw) or emulation (emu) (default : emu)
CU Number of Compute Units instantiated, that work will be distributed to (default : 1)
VF Vectorization-factor applied to computations (Unroll factor on computations kernel) (default : 1)
DOUBLE Whether single-(0) or double-precision(1) arithmetic will be used (default : 1)

Valid inputs for CU are 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 12 and for VF are 1, 2, 4, 8

Example make usage

make TARGET=hw CU=8 VF=4 DOUBLE=1

Note : Code is targeted for Xilinx ZCU102 platform only. Building for different platform requires modification of Makefile and util.h files, so as to consider board-specific constraints.

How-to run

./run.elf <matrix-file>

Note : Input matrix values have to be sorted row-wise.


Functions defined in csr_hw_wrapper.cpp are to be used by the programmer :

Function Description
create_csr_hw_matrix(matrix, hw_matrix, empty_rows_bitmap) Given a matrix in CSR representation format ( matrix ), return the matrix in FPGA-optimized representation ( hw_matrix ). hw_matrix is an array of csr_hw_matrix type. Each element of it corresponds to a different Compute Unit. Separate representation is created for each Compute Unit. In addition, an empty_rows_bitmap is created, in order to reduce memory footprint of hw_matrix representation.
create_csr_hw_x_vector(hw_x, x, blocks, nr_cols) Since the matrix is split in blocks, only a part of x vector is transferred to the FPGA for each block. Fill hw_x with the values of x that was previously created.
create_csr_hw_y_vector(hw_matrix, hw_vector) For each Compute Unit and for each block that the matrix will be split to, create intermediate-results y vectors.
spmv_hw(hw_matrix, hw_x, y_fpga, empty_rows_bitmap) Create intermediate-results y vectors for each Compute Unit and for each block. Then, call the hardware function spmv that runs on FPGA, calculating the result of multiplying hw_matrix with hw_x . Finally, accumulate the results of the intermediate y vectors, using empty_rows_bitmap information, storing them in y_fpga, that is returned to main function.
delete_csr_hw_matrix(hw_matrix) Free allocated memory for hw_matrix
delete_csr_hw_x_vector(hw_vector) Free allocated memory for (hw) x vector
delete_csr_hw_y_vector(hw_vector) Free allocated memory for (hw) y vector

Note : Intermediate-results hw y vector is allocated and freed in spmv_hw function, therefore functions create_csr_hw_y_vector and delete_csr_hw_y_vector are not used in 'main' function.


A Sparse matrix :

CSR Representation format :

HW Representation format :

For each Compute Unit, one struct is used for representation of the sparse matrix; submatrix. This struct is 128-bits wide, in order to fully utilize the available memory bandwidth of HP ports of Xilinx ZCU102.

  • submatrix : For each non-zero element, its column index and its value are needed for the kernel. First, 8 column indices are packed in 128 bits. For each non-zero, the first 15 bits are used to encode its column index. Since we apply 2D Blocking to the sparse matrix, 15 bits are enough to represent the column index of each non-zero. The last bit indicates whether the current non-zero is the last element of its row (1 when last, 0 otherwise). We need to know when the last element of a row is being processed, so as to forward the result to the results-stream in hardware function. After streaming column indices, we need to stream the respective 8 values. Depending on the precision that is used, 4 elements of this struct are needed when using double-precision (2 when single-precision).

HW Functions

Functions defined in spmv.cpp.

For each Compute Unit, these functions are instantiated, and perform in Dataflow model.

Function Description
read_data_submatrix(nr_elems, submatrix, col_fifo_wide, values_fifo_wide) Read column-indices or values packed in 128-bits from submatrix struct, that is sent from host to FPGA, and push them to hls::stream col_fifo_wide or hls::stream values_fifo_wide respectively.
stream_data_col_ind(nr_ci, col_fifo_wide, col_fifo) Unpack column-indices from wide hls::stream col_fifo_wide and stream to another hls::stream, called col_fifo .
stream_data_values(nr_val, values_fifo_wide, values_fifo) Unpack values from wide hls::stream values_fifo_wide and stream to another hls::stream, called values_fifo .
compute_results(col_fifo, values_fifo, nr_nzeros, x, results_fifo) Pop data from col_fifo and values_fifo and perform computations, with the respective elements of x . Push results for each row to hls::stream results_fifo .
write_back_results(results_fifo, nr_rows, y) Pop results from results_fifo and write them to y vector, that will be sent from FPGA to host.

Different spmv and spmv_kernel functions are used for different number of Compute Units. Here, we present the case for 2 Compute Units.

    nr_rows1,   nr_rows2,
    nr_nzeros1, nr_nzeros2,
    submatrix1, submatrix2,
    nr_ci1,     nr_ci2,
    nr_val1,    nr_val2,
    y1,         y2,
    x,          nr_cols)

spmv : This is the function that is being called from host side. For each Compute Unit, the number of rows and number of non-zeros that are processed are given, since these are the sizes of the y vector and col_ind,values structs respectively. Count of packed col_ind elements and count of packed values elements (nr_ci and nr_val respectively) are needed to fill the respective FIFOs with the appropriate amount of elements. In addition, a separate copy of x vector (of size nr_cols) is created for each Compute Unit, since data-sharing between Compute Units is not allowed in HLS. Finally, the spmv_kernel function is called.

    nr_rows1,   nr_rows2,
    nr_nzeros1, nr_nzeros2,
    submatrix1, submatrix2,
    nr_ci1,     nr_ci2,
    nr_val1,    nr_val2,
    y1,         y2,
    x1,         x2)

spmv_kernel : In this function, instances of the previously presented functions are created for each Compute Unit. These function calls are independent between Compute Units and operate in parallel.


HLS Code for SpMV on FPGAs







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