A web-based air quality monitoring station firmware. You can see the visualized real-time air quality data with the Air Quality Widget, like the below image, or you can check the raw data with a MQTT client.
We use NodeMcu (Arduino-like board with ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip) and PMS3003 air quality sensor here. Please have them before you setup.
Let start to setup with the following steps.
- Update the SSID, Wi-Fi password, and MQTT topic (you can name it with any name you want) in the firmware, and flash the firmware with Arduino IDE.
- Please ensure unplug the air quality sensor from the board when you do flashing. Because TX and RX will be used when do flashing.
- Go to the Air Quality Widget demonstration page to see the visualized data.
Go to the HiveMQ MQTT client web page and subscribe the topic you assigned in the firmware.