Hey there! I'm Jack or exoad, a [hobbyist programmer] focusing on graphics programming using OpenGL and Cuda. Beyond that, I've crafted numerous GUI desktop apps, leveraging my adaptations of Java Swing and, more recently, Flutter.
Here are some big projects that I have worked on recently- Halcyon A music player with a handwritten audio engine and a nice GUI to go with it.
- Yttrius — An extensible compiled programming language built ontop of LLVM
Here are some more projects I have released publicly
A tool to create color palettes and find nearby suitable colors using a pretty naive home made algorithmSpotify Playlist Scrubber
A program to help you download songs from a Spotify playlist or any song by using alternate sources like YouTubeToasterify
A niche Android app that can warm up your phone quickly for extreme conditions or to warm your handsansicolor
A Java library to deal with ANSI coloring and prettifying CLI text easierUSACO Mashups
A Discord bot written using NodeJS and Java to help with both mediating the lack of an API between usaco.org and utilizing the scraped data to create a usable interface.
- GLFW- Utilized for my faster Swing reimplementation
- Flutter- Learned after migrating from Swing for general GUI app creation
- Swing- My original GUI library for all my languages to include bindings for programs from other languages.
- Kha- My previous rendering pipeline before SDL2
- MonoGame- Currently learning to get into game development
- NodeJS- Mainly used for creating Discord bots and lightweight server-based hosting apps.
- Tauri- Recently getting into web development with developing using web technologies for desktop apps
- Skia- Utilized for my latest reimplementation of the Swingbackend with Skia
If you have inquiries regarding my software, give me a forwardthroughmy Discord server:https://discord.gg/PbJQRT9zQ8
If there is an issue with the incorrect rendering of thisprofile,please submit a PR through thishttps://github.com/exoad/exoad/pulls
Thank you for checking out my profile, have a great day! ☕ ⌃_⌃
v2.2 |中文|