ezplatform-admin-ui changes between v1.3.0 and v1.4.0-beta1
- EZP-29712: Run nightly Behat tests on demo metarepos (#693)
- EZP-29711: Take better screenshots on Travis (#690)
- EZEE-1674: Create a spike of Form Builder scenarios for v2 (#727)
- EZP-29745: Improve styling in Rich Text Editor (#699)
- EZP-29729: As an editor, I want to have access to all my drafts (#684)
- EZP-29223: Implement permissions for "Content/Translate"
- EZP-29171: Update Navbar menu items order (#723)
- EZP-29713: As an Editor, I want to Move multiple content items at a time (#691)
- EZP-29734: As an Administrator I want to add Content Type limitation for Section/Assign policy (#696)
- EZP-28067: As an Editor, I want to Delete multiple content items at a time (#702)
- EZEE-2234: As an Editor, I want to build a form on the fly while editing the page builder (#692)
- EZP-29769: Add discovery bar to Drafts interface (#707)
- EZP-29089: Usability bug when deleting containers (#704)
- EZP-29793: Implement permissions for the Create button on the dashboard (#708)
- EZP-28009: Extract the RichText FieldType to its own package (#715)
- EZP-29328: As a editor I want the richtext format to support the equivalent of ezmltext's tag (#709)
- EZP-29813: Pass custom parameters to menu item templates in right sidebar (#717)
- EZP-29742: Implement permissions for Content/Create in Content item view (#713)
- EZP-29748: Replacing the outdated verbiage of eZ Publish from eZ Platform when adding a Policy (#701)
- EZEE-2306: As a QA I want to broaden the coverage of automatic tests for PB (#703)
- EZP-29828: Custom Dropdown improvements (#722)
- EZP-29827: Harmonize Preview switcher in Content Section Create/Edit views (#721)
- EZP-29766: As an editor, I want to filter the search using subtree parameter (#711)
- EZP-29855: Expose
query param in Location View / Versions tab for implementing custom pagination (#733) - EZP-29613: As a developer I want access to ContentType on Content to avoid re-loading it (#633)
- EZP-29658: As an Editor, I want to attach links to images in RichText Editor (#726)
- EZP-29714: As an Editor, I want to use pagination in the sub-items widgets (#710)
- EZEE-2303: RichText block (#714)
- EZP-29355: As a developer, I want to edit the "ezcontent" of a custom tag (#697)
- EZP-29856: Expose form's data ContentCreateStruct in content create view (#734)
- EZP-29848: Make existing AdminUI tabs extendable by allowing template path and parameters change (#728)
- EZP-29812: As an editor, I want to embed a content item within a block element (#736)
- EZP-29744: Implement permissions for Content/Create in Sub-items table (#725)
- EZP-29700: Syntax error after logging out (#673)
- EZP-29707: Cannot read property 'remove' of null error from Selection (#675)
- EZP-29709: RequestLocaleListener tries to match SiteAccess on /_fos_user_context_hash (#678)
- EZP-29715: Javascript error with ez platform 2.3. maybe related to the new ezimageasset fieldtype (#681)
- EZP-29660: Ezobjectrelationlist ignores allowed content types when creating content via UDW (#679)
- EZP-29617: No route found after adding new translation (#641)
- EZEE-2462: Edit button still active after closing draft conflict modal window (#680)
- EZP-29730: Cannot add UDW configuration from YAML file located in other bundle
- EZP-29731: Missing icon in custom tags (#687)
- EZP-29728: Longitude validation appears when user try to publish after editing (#716)
- EZP-29761: RichText Editor crashes after addin link to the content into unordered list (#719)
- EZP-29819: Dynamic settings injected with wrong scope to config provider services (#718)
- EZP-29832: Unable to use AdminUI without admin rights
- EZP-29854: Cannot remove a selected item from custom dropdown (#732)
- EZP-29825: As a dev, I want to be able to override content edit form fields for specific Content Types (#720)