This is a small exploratory project to play around with ImageNet models and explore the Pytorch library.
The Deploying PyTorch in Python via a REST API with Flask has been used as a reference and starting point for this project.
First, you will need to configure a Python environment.
An environment.yml
file has been provided to that effect.
This project assumes the use of micromamba
and has only been tested under Linux OS.
To create the environment:
make create-env
If you are using a different Conda tool
make CONDA_TOOL="<YOUR_CONDA_TOOL>" create-env
The application and Python dependencies can then be installed
make install
To build the application as a Docker container
make docker-build
To run the application
make docker-run
Or, with the application module mounted to the Docker container for live-reload development
make docker-run-dev
This project uses Nox to automate linting checks, autoformatting and running tests.
Check lint
make check-lint
Fix lint
make fix-lint
Run tests
make test
To run all checks and fixes