This, and other required Pi-Star modules, are my personal forks, DO NOT report bugs, request features or anything like that, to the official Pi-Star developer, Andy Taylor (MW0MWZ), on the Pi-Star's Facebook page or on the forum.
Two possible options are:
Prepare an SDCard using the disk image available here.
An easy manual installation, over a pristine running Pi-Star system, following the below procedure:
you need a working Pi-Star, from here. Only Pi-Star v4.1.x are supported.
connect your Pi-Star
- grab the script that permits you to toggle between official repositories and my personnal ones.
sudo su rpi-rw cd wget -O f1rmb-pistar chmod +x f1rmb-pistar
- now you can execute this script with some arguments. For a complete list, use '-h' or '--help'
The easiest way:
- to install these forks repositories:
./f1rmb-pistar -ia
- to switch back to the official ones:
./f1rmb-pistar -ra
- Once you have installed this fork, you need to go in menu "Configuration" -> "Expert" -> "Tools" and select "CSS Tool" This will reset all the colors to their default value.
- You will need to launch "pistar-upgrade" multiple times, until it displays the "You are already running the latest version.." message.
What features this fork offers
An enhanced POCSAG support. A service and network status indicators are there, You can send pages from the Admin web page. When you receive personnal pages, they are extracted from the Activity and displayed in a dedicated table. You can send a page to multiple callsigns and/or transmitter groups, separated with comma:
An easy and extended way to change the color theme (using the farbtastic plugin):
Code optimization and cleanups.
Gateway and DAPNet Activity (last heard) tables are extended to the 40 last entries, fitted in a scrolling window.
Integration of Tiny File Manager.
GPSd support.
Full integration of NextionDriver.
Complete support of configuration files edition.
Support of latest G4KLX software suite (one gateway per mode, DMR Master connections handled by DMRGateway only, etc...).
Pi-Star services management integrated in the web interface
pistar-cli and pistar-services scripts added
- it's possible to use pistar-cli with Raspi Check (Google Play) to switch the hostpot's configuration on the fly.
Continuous backport of upstream's relevant fixes and improvements.
Tons of small modifications and tweaks that can't be enumerated here.