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Fabien edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Nessus-Security-Vulnerabilities-Wiki


This wiki serves as a comprehensive repository for documenting a wide range of security vulnerabilities. My goal is to provide detailed information on each vulnerability. This resource is intended for security professionals, system administrators, software developers, and anyone interested in securing their systems against known vulnerabilities.

How to Use This Wiki

You can navigate the wiki using the sidebar, which categorizes vulnerabilities by their common themes or affected technologies. Each category leads to specific pages that detail individual vulnerabilities. Here's a brief description of what you can find in each section:

Microsoft Related Vulnerabilities

This section covers vulnerabilities related to Microsoft products and technologies, including Windows operating systems, Microsoft Office applications, and development tools.

SSL/TLS Related Vulnerabilities

Find details on vulnerabilities associated with SSL/TLS certificates, including issues with certificate trust, configuration, and deprecated protocols.

OpenSSL Related Vulnerabilities

Explore vulnerabilities specific to the OpenSSL library, which is widely used for implementing secure communications.

Apache Related Vulnerabilities

This category documents issues in Apache products, such as the Apache HTTP server, Apache Tomcat, and Apache Log4j, focusing on both remote execution and denial of service vulnerabilities.

Java/Oracle Related Vulnerabilities

Access information on vulnerabilities affecting Oracle Java SE and related products like Amazon Corretto and OpenJDK.

Miscellaneous Vulnerabilities

Discover a variety of other critical vulnerabilities that do not neatly fit into the other categories but are essential to secure systems, including vulnerabilities in software like 7-Zip, Adobe Acrobat, and networking protocols.


We welcome contributions from the community! If you have suggestions for new entries or updates to existing ones, please feel free to edit the wiki pages. For major changes or new categories, please open an issue in the repository to discuss the changes before implementing them.


Your feedback is invaluable. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the information presented here, please use the repository's Issues section to communicate with us.

Thank you for visiting my Nessus-Security-Vulnerabilities-Wiki. I hope this resource is helpful in your efforts to understand and mitigate security risks.

Microsoft Related Vulnerabilities

SSL/TLS Related

OpenSSL Related Vulnerabilities

Apache Related Vulnerabilities

Java/Oracle Related Vulnerabilities

Miscellaneous Vulnerabilities


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