Releases: fablab-bergamo/Marlin-Ender-3-v4.2.2-BMG-clone
Releases · fablab-bergamo/Marlin-Ender-3-v4.2.2-BMG-clone
FABv0.4.1 - changed load filament length
Changed filament load length to 500mm
FABv0.4.0: - To Marlin 2.0.9
FAB configuration
FABv0.3.1: - Added remaining time in LCD
- Added remaining time in LCD
- added process percentage in LCD
- graphical improvements in config
- removed print start confirm
Fixed load/unload, new feedrates, better pid
FABv0.3.0 Filament change, old pid
advanced pause, s-curves, load/unload, bootscreen
FABv0.2.1 added statuscreen
First release of configuration
This firmware configuration (and attached firmware: marlin is for the Creality Ender 3 with the v4.2.2 board, using a Bondtech BMG extruder in place of the original one (~x3 steps/mm).
Compiled with PlatformIO