Releases: facebookresearch/BenchMARL
BenchMARL release paired with TorchRL 0.7.0
A lot of new features and many bug fixes!
New environment: MAgent2
Thans a lot to @JoseLuisC99 for making their first contribution and helping in this effort
- [Environment] MAgent2 by @JoseLuisC99 in #137
Parallel collection for non-vectorized envs
Thanks to a lot of help from @gliese876b we have introduced parallel collection for non-vectorized envs using torchrl ParallelEnv
Check it out here:
- [Feature] Parallel collection by @matteobettini in #152
Prioritized replay buffers
Again, thanks a mil to @gliese876b
- [Feature] Prioritized Replay Buffer by @gliese876b in #160
Ensemble models and algorithms
From the amazing request of @karthiks1701 we have introduced the possibilty of using different models and algorithms for different agent groups
Check it out here:
- [Feature] Ensemble models and algorithms (different chioces for different agent groups) by @matteobettini in #159
Disk storage for replay buffers
Again, thanks to the input of @JoseLuisC99, we have added the possibility to store buffers on diisk
- [Feature] Disk storage for replay buffers by @JoseLuisC99 in #155
VMAS football
Enjoy the full power of the new VMAS football enviornment in BenchMARL
More info here:
What's Changed
- [Errors] Error on unavailable combinations by @matteobettini in #142
- [BugFix] Fix meltingpot buffer transforms by @matteobettini in #148
- [BugFix] VMAS parameters names by @matteobettini in #149
- [Environment] MAgent2 by @JoseLuisC99 in #137
- [Docs] MAgent by @matteobettini in #150
- [Minor] Dependencies by @matteobettini in #151
- [Feature] Parallel collection by @matteobettini in #152
- [Feature] Prioritized Replay Buffer by @gliese876b in #160
- [Docs] MAgent typo by @matteobettini in #162
- [Feature] Ensemble models and algorithms (different chioces for different agent groups) by @matteobettini in #159
- [Feature] Disk storage for replay buffers by @JoseLuisC99 in #155
- [BugFix] Tensorboard hparam logging by @matteobettini in #165
- [TorchRL deprecation]
by @matteobettini in #167 - [Task] VMAS football by @matteobettini in #166
- [Fine-tune] Update gammas by @matteobettini in #168
- [Dependency] Make video rendering deps core by @matteobettini in #169
- [Release] 1.4.0 by @matteobettini in #170
New Contributors
- @JoseLuisC99 made their first contribution in #137
- @gliese876b made their first contribution in #160
Full Changelog: 1.3.0...1.4.0
Memory networks in BenchMARL
BenchMARL release paired with TorchRL 0.6.0
RNNs in BenchMARL
We now support RNNs as models!
We have implemented and added to the library GRU and LSTM.
These can be used in the policy or in the critic (both from local agent inputs and from global centralized inputs). They are also compatible with any parameter sharing choice.
We have benchmarked GRU on a multiagent version of repeat_previous and it does solve the task, while just MLP fails
In cotrast to traditional RNNs, we do not do any time padding. Instead we do a for loop over time in the sequence while reading the “is_init” flag. This approach is slower but leads to better results.
Oh also as always you can chain them with as many models as you desire (CNN, GNN, ...)
Simplified model reloading and evaluation
We have added some useful tools described at here
In particular, we have added experiment.evaluate()
and some useful command line tols like benchmarl/
and benchmarl/
that just take the path to a checkpoint file.
Basically now you can reload models from the hydra run without giving again all the config, the scripts will find the configs you used in the hydra folders automatically.
Better logging of episode metrics
BenchaMARL will now consider an episode done when the global task done is set. Thus, it will allow for agents done early (as long as the global done is set on all()
Here is an overview of how episode metrics are computed:
BenchMARL will be looking at the global done
(always assumed to be set), which can usually be computed using any
or all
over the single agents dones.
In all cases the global done is what is used to compute the episode reward.
We log episode_reward
min, mean, max over episodes at three different levels:
- agent, (disabled by default, can be turned on manually)
- group, averaged over agents in group
- global, averaged over agents in groups and gropus
What's Changed
- [BugFix] Fix collect with grad by @matteobettini in #114
- [Refactor] Update values headed to deprecation by @matteobettini in #118
- [Docs] Citation by @matteobettini in #119
- [Model] GRU and general RNN compatibility by @matteobettini in #116
- [Model] LSTM by @matteobettini in #120
- [BugFix, Feature] GNN
not inobservation_spec
by @matteobettini in #125 - [BugFix] Small fix to multi-group eval and add wandb
by @matteobettini in #126 - [Feature] Improved experiment reloading and evaluation by @matteobettini in #127
- [BugFix] GNN position and velocity key by @matteobettini in #132
- [BugFix] More flexible episode_reward computation in logger by @matteobettini in #136
- [Feature] RNNs in SAC losses by @matteobettini in #139
- [Version] 1.3.0 by @matteobettini in #140
Full Changelog: 1.2.1...1.3.0
BenchMARL release paired with TorchRL 0.4.0
Many exctiting updates in this new release!
Most importantly there have been major inmpovements to the GNN and the addition of a new model: DeepSets
New features
- [Feature] Allow multiple observation keys in specs by @matteobettini in #82 #83
- [Feature] Buffer device by @matteobettini in #87
- [Feature] More VMAS tasks by @matteobettini in #88
- [Feature] Simplify extending benchmarl and improve extending examples by @matteobettini in #89
- [Example] Collecting with gradient by @matteobettini in #77
- [Feature] Share parameters between models by @matteobettini in #95
- [Feature] GNN build topology dynamically from positions by @matteobettini in #98
- [Model] DeepSets by @matteobettini in #96
- [Feature] PPO minibatch advantage by @matteobettini in #100
- [Feature]
by @matteobettini in #102 - [Feature] Run evaluation on first iteration by @matteobettini in #108
- [Feature] Iteration timer includes evaluation by @matteobettini in #110
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 1.2.0...1.2.1
BenchMARL release paired with TorchRL 0.4.0
BenchMARL just got extended with 49 vision-based tasks from Google DeepMind MeltingPot 🎉
But wait there is more! We have added a brand new CNN model 🚀 that can be used in actors and critics (fully compatible with any parameter sharing and centralization choices)
What's Changed
- [Feature] Allow any name for observation and global_state keys by @matteobettini in #72
- [Model] CNN by @matteobettini in #74
- [Feature] Allow multipe inputs to models by @matteobettini in #73
- [Environment] Melitngpot by @matteobettini in #75
Full Changelog: 1.1.1...1.2.0
Align to torchrl 0.3.1
What's Changed
- [CI] Fix CI by @matteobettini in #65
- [Test] Lighter tests by @matteobettini in #66
- [CI] Fix CI by @matteobettini in #67
- [Release] 1.1.1 by @matteobettini in #69
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...1.1.1
- New GNN Model
- New VMAS scenarios and VMAS MPE scenarios
- Multiple bug fixes and new configuration parameters
- BenchMARL 1.1.0 is paired to TorchRL 0.3.0
What's Changed
- [Model] GNN by @matteobettini in #30
- [Docs] Citation by @matteobettini in #39
- [BugFix] Fix discrete SAC by @matteobettini in #40
- [Tasks] VMAS MPE (Vectorized) by @matteobettini in #42
- [Feature] Optional Tanh transfromed distributions in algorithms by @matteobettini in #45
- [Feature] Choose if evaluation is run on sampled actions or on mode by @matteobettini in #49
- [BugFix] Use correct types to prevent multiwalker init error. by @KaleabTessera in #47
- [CI] Fix code cov by @matteobettini in #51
- [Feature] More VMAS tasks by @matteobettini in #48
- [Doc] Fix Typo by @matteobettini in #57
- [BugFix] Rename PPO params by @matteobettini in #59
- [Doc] Fix typo by @matteobettini in #60
- [CI] Run main tests with torchrl nightly and have a separate CI for testing torchrl stable by @matteobettini in #53
- [Refactor] Adapt PPO parameter names by @matteobettini in #62
- [Versioning] 1.1.0 by @matteobettini in #61
New Contributors
- @KaleabTessera made their first contribution in #47
Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.1.0
BenchMARL docs
The BenchMARL docs are now available at
What's Changed
- [Feature] More callbacks by @matteobettini in #35
- [Docs] Link video presentation by @matteobettini in #36
- [BugFix] Task loading schema validation by @matteobettini in #37
- [Docs] Build the docs by @matteobettini in #34
Full Changelog: 0.0.4...1.0.0
- Added yaml configuration files to PyPi package
- Addded possibility to access the experiment from the algorithm
First release