Small cmake project which compares the performance of different open source c++ serialisation implementations. This benchmark compares serialising a user-supplied object into a byte buffer and back. This is in line with the design rationales for the opencmw serialiser.
Compares the following projects:
- memcpy: baseline benchmark, which copies a char array of the size of the user data back and forth.
- opencmw: opencmw serialiser implementation.
- flatbuffer: Flatbuffers benchmark using the object api. Uses one additional copy and not the auto generated c++ object.
- capnproto
- protobuf: Google protocol buffers.
Since opencmw is not yet published as a conan package, you have to install it into your local conan cache first:
Clone the opencmw-cpp repository, create a conanbuild directory and run conan create ..
from it:
git clone
cd opencmw-cpp
mkdir conanbuild
cd conanbuild
conan create ..
Also, if you plan to change the flatbuffers idl file, you need to have flatbuffers flatc
compiler installed in your path.
optional: recompile the flatbuffers headers if changes where made (cmake integration did not work properly).
cd src/flatbuffers && flatc --cpp --gen-object-api TestDataClass.fbs && cd -
then, compile the project.
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cmake --build build
run the benchmark with
build/bin/bench --benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true --benchmark_counters_tabular=true --benchmark_color=true
To see the other available parameters (e.g. csv/json output) run
build/bin/bench --help
You might have to disable frequency scaling if googlebench complains about it.
build/bin/bench --benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true --benchmark_out=results.csv --benchmark_out_format=csv --benchmark_counters_tabular=true --^Cnchmark_color=true && octave plotResults.m
$ build/bin/bench --benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true --benchmark_counters_tabular=true --benchmark_color=true
Running build/bin/bench
Run on (8 X 3900 MHz CPU s)
CPU Caches:
L1 Data 32 KiB (x4)
L1 Instruction 32 KiB (x4)
L2 Unified 1024 KiB (x4)
L3 Unified 8448 KiB (x1)
Load Average: 0.81, 0.59, 0.50
***WARNING*** CPU scaling is enabled, the benchmark real time measurements may be noisy and will incur extra overhead.
Benchmark Time CPU Iterations BytesProcessed ItemsProcessed dataSize wireSize
memcpy(Benchmark)/512/0/repeats:5_mean 189 ns 189 ns 5 72.8425G/s 5.29583M/s 14.769k 14.769k
memcpy(Benchmark)/512/0/repeats:5_median 188 ns 188 ns 5 73.0335G/s 5.30971M/s 14.769k 14.769k
memcpy(Benchmark)/512/0/repeats:5_stddev 1.58 ns 1.57 ns 5 618.836M/s 43.9364k/s 0 0
memcpy(Benchmark)/2048/0/repeats:5_mean 2132 ns 2132 ns 5 25.241G/s 469.086k/s 57.777k 57.777k
memcpy(Benchmark)/2048/0/repeats:5_median 2129 ns 2129 ns 5 25.273G/s 469.679k/s 57.777k 57.777k
memcpy(Benchmark)/2048/0/repeats:5_stddev 4.46 ns 4.49 ns 5 54.3531M/s 986.437/s 0 0
memcpy(Benchmark)/16384/0/repeats:5_mean 21319 ns 21318 ns 5 20.0733G/s 46.9386k/s 459.185k 459.185k
memcpy(Benchmark)/16384/0/repeats:5_median 21130 ns 21127 ns 5 20.2414G/s 47.3318k/s 459.185k 459.185k
memcpy(Benchmark)/16384/0/repeats:5_stddev 612 ns 612 ns 5 571.204M/s 1.30438k/s 0 0
memcpy(Benchmark)/0/2048/repeats:5_mean 1076 ns 1076 ns 5 23.4157G/s 929.237k/s 27.057k 27.057k
memcpy(Benchmark)/0/2048/repeats:5_median 1074 ns 1074 ns 5 23.4544G/s 930.775k/s 27.057k 27.057k
memcpy(Benchmark)/0/2048/repeats:5_stddev 7.35 ns 7.32 ns 5 161.912M/s 6.27481k/s 0 0
OpenCMW/512/0/repeats:5_mean 3120 ns 3118 ns 5 4.41172G/s 320.743k/s 14.769k 15.88k
OpenCMW/512/0/repeats:5_median 3119 ns 3117 ns 5 4.41303G/s 320.838k/s 14.769k 15.88k
OpenCMW/512/0/repeats:5_stddev 17.9 ns 19.4 ns 5 28.0459M/s 1.99122k/s 0 0
OpenCMW/2048/0/repeats:5_mean 5628 ns 5626 ns 5 9.56481G/s 177.755k/s 57.777k 58.888k
OpenCMW/2048/0/repeats:5_median 5631 ns 5630 ns 5 9.55671G/s 177.604k/s 57.777k 58.888k
OpenCMW/2048/0/repeats:5_stddev 56.8 ns 58.5 ns 5 101.846M/s 1.84836k/s 0 0
OpenCMW/16384/0/repeats:5_mean 53274 ns 53157 ns 5 8.04558G/s 18.8135k/s 459.185k 460.296k
OpenCMW/16384/0/repeats:5_median 53092 ns 52972 ns 5 8.07305G/s 18.8777k/s 459.185k 460.296k
OpenCMW/16384/0/repeats:5_stddev 536 ns 529 ns 5 81.032M/s 185.041/s 0 0
OpenCMW/0/2048/repeats:5_mean 34405 ns 34370 ns 5 750.778M/s 29.0959k/s 27.057k 30.841k
OpenCMW/0/2048/repeats:5_median 34373 ns 34347 ns 5 751.258M/s 29.1145k/s 27.057k 30.833k
OpenCMW/0/2048/repeats:5_stddev 184 ns 201 ns 5 4.35976M/s 168.96/s 0 29.8245
Protobuf/512/0/repeats:5_mean 16878 ns 16878 ns 5 834.548M/s 59.2516k/s 14.769k 12.0548k
Protobuf/512/0/repeats:5_median 16838 ns 16837 ns 5 836.531M/s 59.3924k/s 14.769k 12.055k
Protobuf/512/0/repeats:5_stddev 91.8 ns 91.8 ns 5 4.52382M/s 321.184/s 0 4.60435
Protobuf/2048/0/repeats:5_mean 64817 ns 64802 ns 5 850.308M/s 15.432k/s 57.777k 47.01k
Protobuf/2048/0/repeats:5_median 64941 ns 64940 ns 5 848.479M/s 15.3988k/s 57.777k 47.017k
Protobuf/2048/0/repeats:5_stddev 395 ns 387 ns 5 5.11645M/s 92.8569/s 0 11.726
Protobuf/16384/0/repeats:5_mean 554125 ns 554096 ns 5 790.342M/s 1.80479k/s 459.185k 373.1k
Protobuf/16384/0/repeats:5_median 554399 ns 554387 ns 5 789.905M/s 1.80379k/s 459.185k 373.112k
Protobuf/16384/0/repeats:5_stddev 3259 ns 3274 ns 5 4.66279M/s 10.6478/s 0 57.0412
Protobuf/0/2048/repeats:5_mean 101916 ns 101743 ns 5 253.629M/s 9.82924k/s 27.057k 25.6452k
Protobuf/0/2048/repeats:5_median 102171 ns 102168 ns 5 252.56M/s 9.78778k/s 27.057k 25.655k
Protobuf/0/2048/repeats:5_stddev 799 ns 825 ns 5 2.06226M/s 79.9214/s 0 23.7318
Flatbuffers(object api)/512/0/repeats:5_mean 2651 ns 2651 ns 5 5.18818G/s 377.193k/s 14.769k 15.016k
Flatbuffers(object api)/512/0/repeats:5_median 2644 ns 2644 ns 5 5.20204G/s 378.201k/s 14.769k 15.016k
Flatbuffers(object api)/512/0/repeats:5_stddev 27.9 ns 27.9 ns 5 55.7801M/s 3.9603k/s 0 0
Flatbuffers(object api)/2048/0/repeats:5_mean 8932 ns 8928 ns 5 6.02749G/s 112.016k/s 57.777k 58.024k
Flatbuffers(object api)/2048/0/repeats:5_median 8909 ns 8905 ns 5 6.04233G/s 112.292k/s 57.777k 58.024k
Flatbuffers(object api)/2048/0/repeats:5_stddev 71.4 ns 67.8 ns 5 46.7717M/s 848.845/s 0 0
Flatbuffers(object api)/16384/0/repeats:5_mean 134038 ns 134029 ns 5 3.19093G/s 7.46155k/s 459.185k 459.432k
Flatbuffers(object api)/16384/0/repeats:5_median 133759 ns 133745 ns 5 3.19749G/s 7.47689k/s 459.185k 459.432k
Flatbuffers(object api)/16384/0/repeats:5_stddev 1227 ns 1227 ns 5 29.7213M/s 67.8704/s 0 0
Flatbuffers(object api)/0/2048/repeats:5_mean 66463 ns 66460 ns 5 388.264M/s 15.0469k/s 27.057k 41.08k
Flatbuffers(object api)/0/2048/repeats:5_median 66480 ns 66479 ns 5 388.145M/s 15.0423k/s 27.057k 41.08k
Flatbuffers(object api)/0/2048/repeats:5_stddev 255 ns 255 ns 5 1.49266M/s 57.847/s 0 14.9666
CapnProto/512/0/repeats:5_mean 4752 ns 4752 ns 5 2.89489G/s 210.466k/s 14.769k 12.968k
CapnProto/512/0/repeats:5_median 4772 ns 4770 ns 5 2.88353G/s 209.64k/s 14.769k 12.968k
CapnProto/512/0/repeats:5_stddev 37.1 ns 37.0 ns 5 23.1448M/s 1.64324k/s 0 0
CapnProto/2048/0/repeats:5_mean 15785 ns 15785 ns 5 3.4092G/s 63.3573k/s 57.777k 50.048k
CapnProto/2048/0/repeats:5_median 15761 ns 15759 ns 5 3.41439G/s 63.4539k/s 57.777k 50.048k
CapnProto/2048/0/repeats:5_stddev 152 ns 152 ns 5 33.5161M/s 608.273/s 0 0
CapnProto/16384/0/repeats:5_mean 122410 ns 122381 ns 5 3.49441G/s 8.17121k/s 459.185k 395.904k
CapnProto/16384/0/repeats:5_median 122367 ns 122365 ns 5 3.49486G/s 8.17226k/s 459.185k 395.904k
CapnProto/16384/0/repeats:5_stddev 367 ns 318 ns 5 9.26932M/s 21.167/s 0 0
CapnProto/0/2048/repeats:5_mean 104005 ns 103807 ns 5 248.582M/s 9.63362k/s 27.057k 65.7184k
CapnProto/0/2048/repeats:5_median 104024 ns 103932 ns 5 248.274M/s 9.62168k/s 27.057k 65.72k
CapnProto/0/2048/repeats:5_stddev 734 ns 733 ns 5 1.76216M/s 68.2912/s 0 19.9198