Releases: faradayio/cage
Releases · faradayio/cage
v0.2.7: Add support for `ulimits`
v0.2.6: Add support for `ulimits`
v0.2.6: Add support for `target`
This includes (very) partial support for v2.4 docker-compose.yml files.
v0.2.5: Hide annoying warnings
Thank you, @camjackson!
v0.2.4: Build URLs with subdirectories & dependency updates
@camjackson has added support for using sudirectories inside git repos in the `build:` URL. This release also updates most of our dependencies, including `serde`, to much more modern versions, and restores the Linux binary builds that were missing from v0.2.2.
v0.2.3: Miscellaneous improvements
From @camjackson: - Support for UDP port mappings! - Only `cage build` will actually run Docker builds. So no more accidental builds when running `cage up`. From @dkastner: - A new `cage run-script` command, which makes it easy to run alternative scripts defined for particular images. One use case of for this would be a container-specific script to notify Rollbar of the deployment of each container. From @emk: - `cage new` now uses the Alpine version of PostgreSQL in new projects. Note that the projects generated by `cage new` may fail with PostgreSQL permission errors on `cage up db --init`, thanks to issues in the upstream PostgreSQL images. We want to fix this, but getting these other fixes out now is a higher priority.
v0.2.2: run-script only on pods enabled in current target
Previously, the run-script
command operated on all pods/services. In this release, pods and services are scipped if they are disabled in the current target via metadata.
v0.2.1: run-script command
The run-script
command will execute a named script for any configured service. These scripts are configured in pod metadata files.
v0.2.0: Better `run` subcommand
The `run` subcommand can now run arbitrary services in arbitrary pods, by popular demand. This may be a breaking change in case of pods and services with the same name, so I've bumped the version number. There are some other minor ergonomic improvements and warnings for several subcommands.
v0.1.10: Preliminary dc.yml version 2.1 support & Windows tests pass
We should now have some basic support for many of the features which will be present in the `docker-compose.yml` format version 2.1, and all our unit tests are green on Windows. This does not necessarily mean that Windows works as well as Linux and Mac, but it should usable for many tasks. Bug reports and PRs are eagerly welcome!
v0.1.9: Run hook scripts in project root directory
This is a quick fix for an annoying bug that I don't want to hold up on other ongoing work.