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softworkz edited this page Jan 20, 2025 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the FFmpeg Pull Request Agent wiki!

Here's an overview about how it's working:

  • User submits a PR to the GitHub repo

  • When it's a user's first PR, the ffmpeg-codebot will respond with a very comprehensive message (as PR comment), explaining the procedures and providing an overview about contributing to ffmpeg with links to the individual topics on the ffmpeg website regarding contributing.

  • The message further explains that first-time users are not allowed to submit immediately, and that a user needs to find and contact another developer who is allowed to make submissions and ask that developer to vouch for him.

  • Every developer who has been allowed to submit can vouch for a first-time submitter It is done by adding a comment containing "/allow" to the first-time user's PR

  • Upon submitting the PR (no matter whether first-time or existing submitter), the code bot will likely have posted some other comments, indicating which changes need to be made to the
    patchset before it can be submitted.

  • The user addresses those changes and then force-pushes the branch to GitHub, the code bot re-runs all checks and when all requirements are met (and only then), the user will be able to submit. This is done by posting a comment to the PR containing "/submit" The code bot will automatically create the patch e-mails and send them to the ML. (it's also possible to post "/preview" to get the same e-mails created but only sent to a user's own e-mail account)

  • Comments that are made on the ML are mirrored back to the GitHub PR as comments. The other way is not yet implemented, so at this point, a user will need to respond through the ML (that's clearly indicated). I hope this will be implemented soon, it's not easy though to do it in a nice way without repeating all those quoted lines each time

What's convenient is the way how you submit new versions of a patchset:

  • After having applied the changes locally, you just (force-) push the branch again, and post another comment with "/submit" Everything is done automatically then: the patchset version number is increased, new patches are generated and sent to the ML
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