this plugin launch an osgi framework with eclipse p2 bundle to perform the resolve and publish task
gradle kotlin dsl see
gradle groovy dsl see
plugins {
id ("java-library")
id ("it.filippor.p2") version ( "0.0.13")
the plugin download the eclipse provided bundle from maven central so it add maven central repository
p2.updateSites = listOf(
dependencies {
api is a gradle configuration you can use any configuration.
the version range can be omitted and is defined as
range ::= interval | atleast
interval ::= ( '[' | '(' ) left ',' right ( ']' | ')' )
left ::= version
right ::= version
atleast ::= version
the default behavior is to include the transitive dependency to use only declared dependency use
dependencies {
p2.publishTask("p2publish") {
repo = buildDir.toPath().resolve("targetSite").toUri()
bundles = configurations.getByName("runtimeClasspath")
p2publish is the name of the task that can be invoked
to select the target repository use setRepo with desidered uri
setBundles accept any Iterable and publish the file on repository
If used with plugin biz.aQute.bnd.builder becouse gredle classpath is not isolate it.filippor.p2 plugin nedd to be applied before biz.aQute.bnd.builder
The local cache for the p2 repository is located at <user.home>/.gradle/caches/p2/pool but can be configured with p2.setBundleCache(Path)
the plugin create a configuration named p2frameworkBundles that contains the bundles installed in the osgi framework to execute the provisioning operation