Unofficial ranking page for ETNA students.
ETNA-rank allows you to keep track of your Grade Point Average (GPA) for your current year of formation. You need an ETNA account to log-in.
👉 Want to contribute ? Feel free to open a pull request or fill an issue !
We first tried to build ETNA-rank as an app-only project. However, built-in securities in all major browsers don't allow for cross-site authentication token retrieval.
Your password is NEVER stored. You can check our code.
If you're still afraid about us storing your password, run the project by yourself following the steps below. But again : we - don't - store - your - password.
Run each of these commands one after the other :
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Access to the app at https://localhost:10102
This build is for making sure etna-rank is self-contained with all necessary dependencies and configuration to be deployed for production as well as being ready for Kubernetes.
Steps for running the project as staging
Run each of these commands one after the other :
# Setting up certificates
mkdir ./certs
chmod 700 ./certs
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ./certs/app.key -out ./certs/app.crt
openssl dhparam -out ./certs/dhparam.pem 2048
# Running web platform
docker-compose -f prod.docker-compose.yml build
docker-compose -f prod.docker-compose.yml up -d
Access to the app at https://localhost:10102
ℹ️ We recommend using VPS Instances from Scaleway
Steps for deploying the project with Ansible
At this step, we expect you to have :
- Ansible installed on your machine
- A configured SSH access with your VPS
The following role was tested with Ubuntu 22.04 only.
# CHANGE remote_host AND ansible_user WITH YOURS
ansible-playbook -i ./ansible/inventory.ini ./ansible/deployment.yml --extra-vars "ansible_user=root"
This playbook exposes port 443
of the machine
Steps for deploying the project with Kubernetes
Create namespace
kubectl create ns etna-rank
Update ingress endpoint
, edit
prefix accordingly to your Scaleway configuration. -
Tagging and pushing images (ETNA-rank development team only)
First, you need a container Registry to then tag your images. Here is an example :
# Nginx container docker build ./nginx -f ./nginx/k8s.Dockerfile -t docker push # App container docker build ./app -f ./app/prod.Dockerfile -t docker push # API container docker build ./api -f ./api/prod.Dockerfile -t docker push
Run etna-rank (app & API)
kubectl apply -f ./k8s
Want to go serverless ? You might want to host this project on Scaleway Containers instances.
Steps for deploying the project serverless
We first need to deploy our API so our app can know what the API endpoint is.
Get your Container Registry endpoint
Build and ship the API
In this step we're going to :
- Build the API image
- Tag and push it to your provided Scaleway's Containers Registry
- Retrieve API's URI (i.e:
_IMAGE_API=$SCW_REGISTRY/api _TAG_API=latest TAG=$_TAG_API IMAGE_API=$_IMAGE_API docker-compose -f prod.docker-compose.yml build api docker push "$_IMAGE_API:$_TAG_API"
Deploy your container with appropriate env variables.
Defining API endpoint
Create your
file :cp .env.example .env
, edit theAPI_ENDPOINT
values with the container endpoint provided to you in the Container Settings tab of your API container. -
Build and ship the app
In this step we're going to :
- Build the app image with API endpoint
- Tag and push it to your provided Scaleway's Containers Registry
_IMAGE_APP=$SCW_REGISTRY/app _IMAGE_TAG=latest TAG=$_IMAGE_TAG IMAGE_APP=$_IMAGE_APP docker-compose -f prod.docker-compose.yml build app docker push "$_IMAGE_APP:$_IMAGE_TAG"
Deploy your app container.